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Jin was the love of your life. He was exactly the type of man every woman wishes for but barely anyone receives. So when he asked you to go on a date with him, 1 year ago, you were pleasantly surprised. At this point in your relationship, you guys have been together for 7 months now and you enjoyed every second you two had together. Jin was sweet, told corny jokes, and accepted it when you told him you had to wear a scarf or bonnet on your head nightly. As your relationship with him progressed you never thought about having sex with him, because quite frankly... he never brought it up. You two of course kissed, made out, left hickeys, and did the occasional groping while kissing but nothing more.
You never really suspected he wanted to have sex either. But for the past 2 months, Jin has been more needy and eager to make out and touch on you. He was even making jokes and trying to subliminally tell you that he thinks you're sexy and he wants to do it. You definitely picked up on his sex jokes but you still didn't think much of it. Jin would tell jokes like, "What's the difference between a tire and 365 used condoms? Ones a Goodyear. The other is a great year" or he would say, "Why is masturbation just like procrastination? It's all good until you realize you're only screwing yourself". The jokes appeared harmless, but Jin is a man who jokes about many things, but the only topic he's made jokes about as of late was sex.
So today was a normal day. Jin and you were at home since it was a Saturday morning and you both agreed to spend the day in bed. You both had gotten up already to brush your teeth but then you booth ended up crawling right back under the covers.
This is what ya'll bed look like:
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You both were watching tv until Jin turned to you and said, "y/n do you think I'm attractive?". You looked at him stunned that he would even question what you thought of his appearance. You answered, "Jin... that's silly, of course, I find you attractive". Jin shook his head and paused. You both sat in silence for what felt like an hour until Jin said, "well it feels like you don't want me or even feel attracted to me in certain ways". You sat up from the bed and turned yourself directly to look at him. You thought, 'why would he even question my attraction to him' until it dawned on you. He is probably referring to having sex. "but Jin it isn't reasonable for you just assume that..... plus I think I know what this is about. You don't think I find you attractive because I never initiated the idea of having sex". Jin looked at surprised. He thought you were completely clueless to his motives for bringing up the topic. But he was relieved that you understood where he was coming from.
Jin said, "yeah well... that's true. I never wanted to push you but, I'm ready and I hoped that you would be too". You nodded and said, "Well Jin we could try now". Jin blushes and said, "ugh well how about we try this position i've been thinking about..it's called reverse cowgirl".
You blinked and thought, 'reverse cowgirl...he wants that position'. "well jin i know that position and I guess we can do it if you want". Jin laughed and gestured for the both of you to start getting undressed. Once you were both completely undressed, you sat on jins lap and then reversed your self so you could do it backwards. Jin smiled as he saw you took initiative.
Jin then placed his dick inch by inch. You took a while to adjust and slide down until you had taken him in whole. You started rocking back and forth on his lap and starting to get some friction between the both of you. Jin started to pound up into you to help you get you both to be pleased. The minute he did so, you started moaning and enjoying yourself more and more. You both starting to pick up the pace. Soon enough Jin and you were getting close. As jin finished he pulled out and placed his cum on your ass. He grabbed napkins from the bedside table to clean you both off. You moved off his lap and sat next to him as you pulled the covers up to your neck. Jin smiled and kissed your temple. "we are gonna have to do that more often".