𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑚- 𝑌𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖

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You and Yoongi have spent the whole morning at home. He cooked breakfast for the both of you, and then he went to sleep. And kept sleeping for the past 4 hours. Every time you looked in the bedroom to see if he woke up, he remained under the bedsheets and continued to lightly snore. You were bored out of your fucking mind. Yoongi always said, "you wouldn't be bored if you just went to sleep like me y/n". It's not like you don't sleep but once you wake up in the morning you just become physically incapable of sleeping throughout the whole day, unlike your boyfriend.

So you spent the past 4 hours eating, watching netflix, eating again, and then watching a movie. You finally decided to break the cycle and do something fun. So you walked into your shared bathroom and decided to take a shower and get dressed. Between the time when you were eating and watching Netflix, you took some time to scroll on your phone. You scrolled through your instagram feed while feeling bored, until, you saw one of your  friends standing in a boutique. The boutique was beautiful, it had a wide variety of clothing and you knew you had to go.

So now that you were showering, you couldn't stop thinking about all the clothes you saw in there. Once you stepped out of the shower you suddenly remembered. Yoongi. He hates when you got out without him. Although he sleeps often, he does like to go outside and walk around. So you tightened the towel around you and walked over to the bed to try and wake him up. "bae....bae....come on yoongi... we are going out" you cooed. You shook his arms and ruffled his hair until he finally peaked up at you through his blanket. "going out?" he replied in a groggy voice.

You nodded and told him to get dressed since you and him were gonna go shopping. Unlike most men, yoongi didn't mind going shopping with you. He appreciated any time you both spent together. So he pulled the blanket from his face and walked into the bathroom so he could wash his face and fix his hair. As yoongi went on to get prepared to leave, you walked towards your closet and grabbed an outfit to wear.

This is the outfit you wore:

The minute you walked into the bathroom to put your makeup on

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The minute you walked into the bathroom to put your makeup on. Yoongi looked up at your smiled, "shit. y/n you look so good. you got style babe" he said. You laughed and did a little twirl since you liked the way he was looking at you. Yoongi smacked your ass and then kissed you cheek as he walked past you to put on his outfit. As Yoongi passed you, you reached for your makeup and started to get to work. You decided to put your hair in a bun and put on a full face of makeup in case you see any of bitches at the boutique.

As you finished your makeup, you smiled to yourself. Yoongi walked into the bathroom fully dressed to show you his outfit for the day.

Yoongi has always had a casual type of style, which you appreciated because you never wanted to date a man who was trying to call attention to himself or act boastfully. You looked at yoongi and smiled, "looks like we both wearing streetwear today". Yoongi kissed you and then held your hand as he guided you to the car.

You and Yoongi got into the car as you put in the directions to head to the boutique. You both listened to j cole and Jeremih as you drove there. Once you both parked in front of the store you excitedly came out of the car and ran inside the store with Yoongi jogging right behind you to catch up. You instantly flew to the dress section of the store and grabbed at least 6 skin-tight dresses in your arm. You turned around and looked around the store and then became upset. You realized that the store barely had any clothes that were your style besides the dresses.

When your friend posed in the store she only showed herself in front of the dress section. You figured if your friend shopped there and the dresses looked so good, then the whole store must be a gold mine. You were wrong. You turned around and continued going through the dresses until you grabbed 8 different styles of dresses. "babe let's go to the dressing room so i can try these on and then we will go to the park" you said. Yoongi nodded and you both walked towards the dressing rooms, the dressing rooms were spacious so yoongi and you both went in.

This was the dressing rooms:

You and Yoongi stepped into the dressing room

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You and Yoongi stepped into the dressing room. Yoongi pulled the curtains so you both wouldn't be seen and then you hung up the dresses on the wall. Yoongi had taken a seat in the stool in the corner as you started removing your shirt and your jeans. You grabbed a dress and slipped it on.

This was the dress-

Yoongi looked up at you and grabbed your waist and pulled you into his arms

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Yoongi looked up at you and grabbed your waist and pulled you into his arms. "babe you look like a snack in this dress.... you look like a cheese it". You smiled and then your smile dropped. "yoongi i know you didn't just call me a fucking cheese it. i put on this tight sexy dress and you call me a goddamn cheese it?".

Yoongi leaned his head back and laughed. "what's wrong with cheese it's babe? i saw you eating sum earlier today" he said. You rolled your eyes and then changed back into your clothes.

Btw y'all these are cheese it's if y'all don't know:

Btw y'all these are cheese it's if y'all don't know:

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