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"hello this is 'the other man incorporated' who am i speaking to? and how may i help you?" a lady with a high pitched voice asked over the phone. you took a deep breath and replied. "hi my name is y/n. i need the services of the other man, i need to make my boyfriend jealous since he's taking me for granted" you ranted over the phone as you held your phone tight in your hand. your palm slightly becoming sweaty. 'i can't believe i'm doing this' you thought as you waited for the woman's response. "i'm so sorry to hear that y/n. how about i forward your call to the ceos office and you both can discuss the details of your situation" the woman replied sympathetically. "please do. thank you" you answered as you heard the lady give you a light "mhm" then the call went on hold. you stared at your phone assuming she forwarded your call to the ceo's office phone.
you listened to the piano music that played through your phones speaker and stared at your phone blankly. 'maybe i should just forget all of this. i could probably get through this without such extremes' you thought feeling a little guilty. you really hoped it wouldn't have to come to this but this seems to be your final option. the next is breaking up. 'fuck maybe i'll just hear what the man suggests and then i'll have a decision' you thought and let out a huff of frustration. "hello? is a woman by the name of y/n on the line?" a male voice spoke through your phone making you startled. "yes, that's me" you replied while calming down and putting your phone on speaker as you placed it beside you on your bed. "well hello ms. y/n, i hear you need me to help you with your partner" the man answered.
"yes i do. my partners name should be irrelevant i assume. all i need is to just make him feel bad enough to stop taking me for granted. he ignores me and doesn't appreciate me" you explained to the man. he gave a soft 'mhm' or a 'uh huh' as you spoke. "well my name is jin. tell me how long he's been treating you this way for and how your relationship is going right now" jin replied as he sat at his desk. he stared at his phone as he anticipated your response. 'she has a sultry and smooth voice. she sounds sexy' jin thought as he listened to you speak. "our relationship has been this way for the past 4 months and right now he comes home from work, plays video games, ignores me, we don't have sex, and he's always sneaky with his phone" you sighed.
"ahh well it seems like you really do need me" jin answered with a light laugh. "we'll need to set up a situation where he can catch us together. making him jealous and then obviously that will evoke anger and cause him to at-least talk to you. which he doesn't do now" jin declared as he tapped his pen lightly on his desk. "sounds good. i don't know if you can but today... maybe within the next hour would be a good time to begin-" you admitted until he cut you off. "wait wait wait- first you'll need to understand the terms of this situation. i'll list them and you can tell me if your willing to agree. number 1 this service is advisory and help to get your partner to value you, we evoke these emotions through jealously which is our specialty. number 2 if you are in an abusive relationship we do not suggest you use our services-" jin explained over the phone as you cut him off. "don't worry i'm not in an abusive relationship" you answered quickly causing jin to grunt over the phone.