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"you've got to be fucking kidding me" you rolled your eyes and yelled, tightening your grip on your gun. yoongi looked at you and then returned his gaze the criminal standing in front of you both. you took a long look at the jackass in front of you. he's tall, he looks pretty young, he's fit, and he has tan skin. He also had a slight accent that you heard, which indicated to you that's he's a hispanic. you took a step forward and yoongi quickly put his arm in-front of you to stop you from walking up to the man.
"so you mean to tell me, you are stopping our escape because you want my girlfriend? you realize what this means right?" yoongi let out with an angry look on his face. The man nodded and tried to reach for his gun for the second time, you spotted it and shot his hand again as a warning and he paused. "your a dead man walking" yoongi shot the man 6 times in the chest and the man fell to his knees with a grimace on his face. "i'm not the only one who wants her, it's only a matter of time before-" the man yelled with any energy he had left as he fell over with blood gushing out of his mouth. You ignored him and then your car blew up right behind the man. This guy had planted a bomb in your car to try and kill you both. yoongi looked at you, grabbed your wrist, and dragged your arm so you ran with him down the street.
You both ran until you spotted a man with his car keys in hand as he walked towards his bmw. you quickly pulled your hood over your head and then ran up to the random man and pushed him down, grabbed his keys. "let's go" you called out to yoongi and hopped in the drivers seat as you started the engine. yoongi sat in the passengers seat and you immediately sped off, yoongi grabbed the duffel bag from your lap and looked through it to make sure all the diamonds and gold bars were there. he quickly zipped the duffel bag up and then turned to you. "y/n what do you think he meant by more people will come after you?" yoongi let out in a quiet tone. you shrugged and sighed. "you know yoongi, i really don't know and i know we can't afford any more publicity" you groaned as you made a sharp turn down a crowded street.
yoongi sighed and leaned back against his seat while playing with the strap of the duffel bag. "do you think it's time to finally enact our final plan?" yoongi blurted out. you turned towards him slightly while keeping your eyes on the road. the final plan, was the your last resort if you both couldn't be criminals anymore. was the situation so serious for you both to give up crime?. "i mean consider it babe, we stole these items and we can make 67 million in total after we sell these, we can move to korea-" yoongi protested.
"korea? you know how i feel about that, i'm not gonna move to racist ass south korea with you yoongi. let's move to europe-" you snapped at him. "europe? we can't move to europe, we've flown there too many times to steal already, and if the mobsters here know us, the ones in europe will too" yoongi cut you off and countered your statement. You huffed and then made a turn on the highway which led to your shared home.
"then where? i agree we can sell these diamonds and leave, but to where?" you affirmed. "new zealand" yoongi mouthed lowly. you thought about, new zealand isn't that bad. you could both live there and survive off of your robbery money. you finally pulled off the highway, and then drove on a secluded road through the trees. "new zealand could work yoongi, once we get inside just go and auction off the diamonds and gold bars, and i'll look at house listings in new zealand" you said with confidence. yoongi smiled and then nodded.
you went upstairs to your shared bedroom to change your clothes and then look for a house online. you walked up the stairs and yoongi surprisingly followed behind you. you both walked down the hall and then went into the bedroom. you walked towards the walk in closet and yoongi walked towards the bed to grab the laptop off of it. yoongi dropped the duffel bag on the bed and then opened the laptop. "you mind if i stay up here with you babe?" yoongi said as he looked in your direction. "no you can stay baby" you called out as you pulled some cute shorts out of the closet. you started to undress and then slide on your change of clothes.
This was the outfit:
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you slid under your comforter and grabbed your phone to start looking for houses. Yoongi sat at the edge of the bed, with the computer on his lap as he communicated with buyers on the dark web. you scrolled along through many different homes until you found the one that you loved.
This is the house:
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It was the oddest yet most appealing house you've seen so far. you wouldn't have to worry about people seeing you both since the house was located in the middle of nowhere in a large area and the nearest neighbor is 23 miles away. the house could also have curtains cover all the windows by just the press of a button. it was extravagant, under normal circumstances you wouldn't want it, but when you have so much money you just end up looking for something to interest you. yoongi smiled as he turned to you. "we have a buyer for 37 million for just one gold bar, we are gonna make more money than we anticipated" he announced happily with a smile on his face. You hugged him and then placed your head on his shoulder. "babe i found a house we can't resist in new zealand" you said handing him your phone so he could view the listing.
"goddamn that house is beautiful and we can afford it, call the realtor right now tell them that you want to fly out tomorrow to view it" yoongi said as he handed you, your phone back and went back to his computer screen. You happily called the realtor and they picked up on the 3rd ring. they agreed to meet you at 5:20pm tomorrow and then you went to messages to text your personal pilot to prepare the plane for tonight at 6pm to fly you both to new zealand. Things were looking up and you couldn't help but be excited. the only thing that mattered now was you and yoongis future and that was the only thing you had on your mind at the end of the day.