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4:08 am, you tossed and turned in your bed as you felt annoyed. You laid on your back in your bed and stared at the ceiling. "damn it" you cursed as you continued to stare at your ceiling, you've been spending the past 5 hours trying to sleep since you came in from work. But you have spent all night thinking about that shadow you saw behind you when you were walking home. You couldnt figure it out. was someone really following you home? last night you got out of work late. So, you walked home briskly since all you wanted at the time was to get home.
You started to make a couple of turns and soon you were at the front gate of your house. You pulled the latch on your gate and swang it open. You turned around to close the gate, and there was a black silhouette of a tall man staring at you from the the distance. You were shocked and you froze, the moment the man realized you were looking at him, he ran and hid behind a tall tree. You didn't know what to do, so you closed your fence and ran to open your front door, once inside you looked the door. You were scared as fuck, you hadn't noticed anyone following you before.
Nothing had happened for the last 5 hours but you were still paranoid. You couldn't help but think about your whole walk home, and you couldn't figure it out. When did that man start following you? and why? it's not like you dressed fancy or even looked rich. The man had followed you but he just seemed like a stalker and not like a thief. Although that didn't make you feel any better. You couldn't shake the feeling the premonition that something weird was gonna happen. So you slowly got our bed and changed out of your normal oversized t shirt and panties outfit. You grabbed a black jumpsuit and combat boots to make yourself better dressed in case something happens.
This was your outfit:
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Then you heard something smash in your living room downstairs. The thing was that you weren't planning to investigate at all. You've seen too many horror movies and you know damn well that the black person always dies first. So you spun the lock on your door as you opened your window. You grabbed your phone and then put it on mute so it wouldn't give away your location. Obviously, the person downstairs was moving quickly since they quickly started to make heavy steps up your stairs. You swiftly slid your leg out the window as the lock on your door began to shake.
You started to become nervous as you put both feet out the window and then jumped. You landed on your butt luckily. Even though your ass hurt like hell, your legs were fine though so your started to run. You looked up at your window and saw a man look down at you. You were scared for dear fucking life as you ran down the sidewalk. You spotted a bike on some person's lawn. So you grabbed it started to ride off. Sadly though, you heard the sound of a motorcycle behind you, and you looked down the road and saw that same man dressed in all black on a motorcycle coming near to you. You started to pedal as quickly as you could trying to get away from him.
But it was no use, he easily pulled up next to you and then turned his bike to block yours. "what do you want from me? I'm poor anyways, just leave me alone" you screamed at the man in front of you. The man removed his hood and you looked at his face. "jungkook?" you asked as you looked at him. Jungkook was your ex-boyfriend, he's a gangster so when you broke up with him, he wasn't pleased at all. You were always worried he would come back to get you for leaving him 4 months ago.
"y/n. i want you back, i miss you and i need you babe." he said looking you in the eyes as you climbed off of the bicycle you were on. "jungkook you know i care about you but this relationship ended already," you said shaking your head slowly. Jungkook looked at you hopefully and put his hands together in a praying position. "y/n just take me back please. i promise to cut back on the criminal activities like you asked" jungkook pleaded with you. You took a long look at his outfit. Black leather jacket and skinny jeans. Your favorite outfit on him.
He looked like this:
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"alright i'll take you back, but you need to hang out with your friends less and spend more time with me" you said walking up to him and running your hands through his hair. "anything for you, now get on the back of my bike and let drive you to my place, i kept all your clothes and makeup stuff," he said while starting the engine on his bike. You sat on the back of his bike and wrapped your arms around his waist. "you looked like a fucking burglar jungkook don't ever pull some shit like that on me again" you said to him angrily. "i won't do it again, it wasn't my intention to scare you, i just wanted to talk" he said shrugging then speeding off into the night.