The Rain (M)

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The rain tapped on the car roof. 

Lightly, then hard. 


Big, fat raindrops slowly thudded the car. 

Then, it got louder and faster. I watched out the parked car at all the puddles. I looked at the wet sidewalk, water bouncing off of more water every second. 

I looked over to him in the driver's seat. 

The song "Acompañame" started to play. 

I couldn't take it anymore. This was my dream. 

Whether he wanted to dance with me or not, I couldn't care less. 

My favorite song was playing and it was raining harder than a hurricane. 

I reached over to the stereo and turned it up loud. I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door. 

I heard him scoff before I closed the car door and stood there. 

I just stood in the rain. 

I stared at him through the windshield. He stared back at me. 

He didn't even hesitate. He unbuckled his seatbelt and shot himself out of the car. He quickly walked to me on the sidewalk and took me into his arms. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck. He whispered the lyrics into my ear as we slowly swayed around the muffled music coming from the car. 

"Acompañame be with me, tu amor es mi cancion your love is my song,"

I tangled my hand in his hair and with my other hand rubbed his back. Though it was 50 degrees and the water was even colder, I melted in his arms. 

Though we were soaked, we were so warm. 

Our love igniting a large flame, warming us for centuries. 

I wanted to stay in this moment forever, and I told him that. The song ended, and the music stopped completely. We were swaying in silence. 

The only sound our slight shivers and the raindrops. 

I tore my face from where it was resting on his neck and I kissed him. 

God, that was one good kiss. 

A kiss I could never forget. 

It was a kiss like all the others, yet it was its own. 

"I love you." I couldn't help but say. 

I had nothing else to say in that moment. 

My mind went blank. 

My mind had never been this blank. 

My mind full of busy, loud, bustling streets of thoughts was now empty. Like a freeway at 3 am. 

Empty, silent, content, enjoying the emptiness and dreading the traffic soon to return. 

He smiled. 

"I love you more. I don't know what I'd ever do without you." He said. 

I stared into his eyes. I could never read emotions in eyes before him. I never understood the books that spent chapters about eyes. 

His sparkled. He looked at me the way he looked at a book. When he read, his eyes opened up and the corners of his mouth slightly lifted. That was how he looked at me. Focused in his own world, blind and deaf to what was around him. 

He was so perfect. I didn't know how someone could be so perfect. 

He was imperfectly perfect. 

He was imperfect in the ways that never matter. His eyes were different sizes, his smile was lopsided, he hated his teeth and his rosacea, but he was perfect. 

They made him even more perfect. 

He kissed me again. 

I couldn't bring myself to let him go. 

I wanted to stand in the cold rain with him forever. I didn't care that we were drenched, nor that my socks were drenched and my fingers pruned. I took his hand in mine and we laid down together on the sidewalk. 

The cold rain stabbed my face, each drop colder than the other. 

Love is a funny thing. 

It's scary, but it's funny. 

It was scary getting into arguments, but it was funny when we apologized and forgot why we even argued.

I don't know how to end this memory, so I'll end it like this: Our love was like the rain. It could be cold or warm at times, our passion thundered, our kisses drizzled in a quick stolen peck, or they stormed like a hurricane. It was calming, sometimes upsetting. And when it ended, you couldn't help but miss it, reminisce about it, and wait seasons for it to return. And when it did return, you spent the whole time waiting for it to end again. Except this time, the rain never stopped. 

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