Another One About Stargazing (M)

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(Listen to the song while reading!)

He snuck me out. Can you believe it? Here I am, laying on the cool grass at 2 AM, with my secret boyfriend

We shared my white headphones, one in my left ear, one in his right. 

"Listen," I said. 

"What?" He whispered, a stupid, giddy smile plastered on our faces. 

I sighed and clicked my tongue. 

"Love. That's what this song is, love."

"Why?" He asked, turning his head to look at me, his dumb, toothy grin still prominent. He took my hand in his and held it on his chest. 

"I can just imagine, two people. The purest kind of love, the love that's unconditional, love everlasting. One person places their hands on the other's face. The other is shocked, they jump at the touch, eyes widening at the gentleness of it. Then they smile." I said. My smile grew wider and I turned my head to look at him.

He took a strand of my hair and played with it. 

"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He said. 

I smiled. 

I moved my body towards his and kissed him. I cupped his cheek with my hand and he wrapped his arms around my back. 

"When I first saw you, I felt the breath leave my body," I confessed. 

"When I first saw you, you know what happened?" He asked. 


"I think I shit my pants."

We laughed.

"I'm not even kidding, you scared the living hell out of me. You were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen."

"You scared me, too. It felt like someone punched me in the throat. I forgot how to breathe and I got light-headed." I said and smiled. 

He slowly ran his hand through my hair. Then, he traced his index finger along the curves of my face. He cupped my face in his hand and traced my lips with his thumb. 

"I love you," he whispered. 

I jumped slightly. 

"What?" I asked. 

"I love you," he said louder.

I bit my lip to keep it from trembling. I shook my head 'no'.

"What?" He asked, concern trailing in his voice.

"Can you promise me something?" I asked. 

"Anything," he said. 

"Can this be for real? Forever?" I asked. 

"Of course... I promise." He said, kissing my forehead. 

"Always?" I asked. 


I laid back down and rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me, keeping his other hand resting beside him. I raised my hand and pretended to be grabbing at the sky. 

"What are you doing?" He asked. 

"I'm going to get you a star," I said. 

He chuckled. 

"What am I going to do with it?" He asked. 

"Put it in a jar and put it next to your bed to remind you of me when I'm not there." I said. 

"Okay," he said. 

I closed my hand into a fist and told him to give me his hand. 

He gave me his hand, palm-side up. I put my hand into his and closed his fingers into a fist. He kept his hand closed and placed it onto his chest. 

"I love you," I said. I felt his breath leave his body. 

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." He said, squeezing my arm tighter. 

After a few moments of silence, I said, "Ditto."

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