Night Swimming (M)

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He has a pool in his backyard. His parents are gone for the weekend, and he helped me sneak out of my room. I scraped my knees and calves climbing down my tree next to my window, but besides that, sneaking out was pretty fun. 

He lived about a block away from my house. 

As we were walking down my street quietly giggling, I said, "Wait, hold on." I handed him my backpack to hold as I turned my head left, then right, looking at the ends of the street. I ran into the middle of it and sprinted down the middle of the street for as far as I could. 

"Woo!" I cheered as I threw my hands up in the air. I felt free. 

"Hey, wait up!" He quietly shouted from behind me. 

I kept running, even though I hate running. My lungs and throat burned and my calves began to go numb, but I kept running. 

That is, until a car turned onto the street. I quickly turned onto the sidewalk and fell into the grass on someone's lawn. I sprawled out like a starfish and waited for my boyfriend to catch up to me. He walked up next to me, dragging his feet, and collapsed down next to me, and our chests raised and lowered. 

I put my leg on top of his but kept my attention on the stars. It was a full moon. 

The whole point of him sneaking me out tonight was so that we could go swimming in his pool in his backyard. 

Could you imagine being able to afford a pool? 

After the adrenaline subsided and my warm skin grew cold, we slowly stood up and he handed me my backpack. I put it back on and we giggled and began to walk back down the street. When we turned the corner, he brushed his pinkie against mine. 

I smiled to myself and looked down at my feet. 

I linked my pinkie with his. 

As we continued to walk, over the course of the twenty minutes it took us to walk to his house, our hands slowly, fully intertwined. Once we were at his house, we walked through his long walkway up to his front door, I admired how the garden looked in the moonlight. 

He fidgeted with the lock and turned on the lights for us. I ran to his back door which led to his backyard and pushed open the heavy glass door. 

I yelped in happiness and threw my bag down onto one of his patio chairs. I heard him laugh from the kitchen as he dug into his fridge. I kicked off my sandals and pajamas and backed up from the pool. 

"Did you heat it?" I asked him, leaning on the door, tipping my head in the direction of the pool. 

"Oh shit... I forgot, sorry," He said, hissing and smiling as he tossed me a Caprisun. I smiled and rolled my eyes. 

I prepared myself to jump into the ice-cold water. It was sixty-something degrees outside, and a fifty-something degree pool won't help my light shivers. 

He walked through the door and joined me outside. He kicked off his sandals and his pajamas as well. 

We set our Caprisuns down and I grabbed his hand. 

I looked at him and he looked at me. 

I nodded my head and asked, "Ready?" He nodded his head and smiled. 

We took a slow step and then sprung into a full sprint and jumped high. 

When we landed in the water I let go of his hand and swam back up to the surface. 

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed as I wiped my face.

"Oh, fuck," he hissed and wiped his eyes. 

"My nipples got hard," he added and burst out laughing. 

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