Oh My God, How I Love You (M)

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That was the word for him, menacing. 

He looked like he just hated everything. He was silent, too.

Never spoke a word and always kept his head down. I always wondered how he could navigate his way through the world by staring at his feet. He ate alone at lunch. He studied alone. He always did everything alone. 

But I still loved him nonetheless. We were sitting at the park under a tree on a blanket. 

His head laid on my lap. My left hand rested in his hair. He furrowed his brows together as the blinding sun shone in his eyes. 

"You look angry," I teased as I traced his face with my finger. "I know," He said. 

"Why do you bother with me?" He asked. 

"What?" I asked, stunned by his question. 

"Why are you in love with me? How can you be in love with me?" He asked. 

I shrugged and smiled. "I dunno," I said.

"Wanna know why I  love you?" He asked. 

I nodded my head softly and looked down to him. He propped himself up on his elbows and placed his hand on my cheek. He pulled my face into his and kissed me. 

"You're the one thing I can't hate. It's so easy to hate everything and see the worst in it all, but not you. I used to think there was nothing good in this world. But ever since you came into my life, it's like nothing bad can be in this world because you're in it." He said. 

I smiled. I leaned in and kissed him again. He slowly fell back down and I laid on top of his chest. I rested my hands on his cheeks and one of his hands rested on my back while the other stroked my hair. 

"You wanna know why I love you?" I asked. "Mhmm," He hummed and smiled, tucking some hair behind my ears. 

I said, "Well, besides the fact you're the only thing that can piss me off," and we laughed, "Oh my god, how I love you. I love looking at you. I love listening to you. I could get drunk off of your voice. The way you can look so angry and then see me and just melt, it makes me shiver. Everything you do just drives me insane. I just... love you."

He smiled and kissed me again. "I love it when you say 'I love you," He said. 

A/N -- Hey babes! Sorry for the short chapter but I just can't stop making chapters abt the boy hating everything but her :D It just makes me so "!!!!!!" yk. Anyways, I love it when ya'll comment, it makes my day. Thank you so much to everyone reading and voting, it's so crazy that my book already has 2k reads in just a few months. Have an amazing rest of your day my lovelies!! <3 (P.S. I think you look so gorgeous today!)

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