Chapter 9

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(I recommend to play the song and vibe while reading, its been stuck in my head lately)

Third person POV:

"W-Wait!" He grabbed her wrist to stop her, he didn't even know why he did, he regretted it already. "H-Hado?"

She was smiling at him. He never noticed it until now, he doesn't even think anyone even noticed it, her smile looked so empty.

"Whats up Amajiki? We are still in the second year area" She whispered to him. He looked around at some of the second-years looking at them.

"N-Never mind sorry..." He let go so she wouldn't feel his trembling. He was to scared. To scared to do anything. Everyone was looking at them and it terrified him.

"Are you okay?" He flinched at that question.

"Heh," He stepped back with a smile. "Yeah... Yeah I'm fine!"

"Okay...?" They kept walking through the halls and down the stairs. He began getting frustrated.

What am I doing? Trying to get myself killed? She isn't okay and I am the one getting asked if I'm okay? How am I supposed to shine brighter if I can't even help someone so close! I can't do anything.

"We are here, come on" She regained focus and looked at the door of his classroom. She opened the door and everyone turned there way. Most of the girls whispering and the boys sneering at him.

"I-I have to go use the bathroom..." He said.

"Class starts in like a minute though?"

"Its fine" He quickly said and walked away fast.

He slumped over the sink if frustration and sadness.

"Why did she have to ask that... What if she actually see's how useless I am..." He groaned. "If she does I guess its beneficial for me that I won't have to get beat up..." He looked down at his hands at the soul mate symbols.

Each and everyones symbols were beautiful and meaningful. Her's was a garden fairy surrounded by lilies, he was a butterfly also surrounded by

"These stupid marks or symbols... Who even cares?!" He grumbled. He kept scratching his right hand. "I hate soulmates, I hate Yakeru Mosu, I hate Satoshi, I hate... I hate... I hate myself" He stopped scratching his right hand which was nearly bleeding.

He kissed his left hand and a few tears dripped down his cheek. He stayed in the stall trying not to cry but his tears wouldn't stop. He had good enough grades so he didn't mind skipping one history class.

"Yeah, have you heard about the lanky dude from 1-A? Hado's soulmate, apparently Yakeru chose him as a target!"

"No way, you think if we are friends with the lanky dude we'll get close with Hado?!" He asked.

"Yakeru tried but I don't think it'll work, I overheard Satoshi and him talking about making him step away out of fear"


Tamaki over heard everything, from their footsteps to their stupid plan.

"Hehe" He laughed to himself. "I said I was going to try and change, Mirio wouldn't run away from this, I won't run"

He got out of the stall and walked right pass them. He wiped his face and was ready to head to class.


"Amajiki talk to me after class" The teacher said as he walked in.

"Sorry..." He apologized and head to his desk.

Tamajire normal school/soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now