Chapter 1

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Tamaki POV:

It was my entrance exams for UA high school. It was one of the top schools for sports and academics. My best friend Mirio was coming soon and I was waiting until it started. I was about to text Mirio until someone bumped into me.

"Ow..." I looked and saw a pretty girl on the ground. I stared at her in awe.

"Ah are y-you okay?!" I offered her my hand and she got up.

"Yeah, thanks" Both our handkerchiefs fell on the floor.

"Oops" I grabbed mine and she grabbed hers. We looked up and our faces were inches apart. She got up and smiled at me.

"Nejire come on!" A girl came beside her and they walked away while I just watched her disappear into the crowd.

"Hey, Tamaki you ready for this!" My best friend wrapped his arm around me.

"Mirio I-I think..." My legs felt all wobbly, my heart was beating fast, and I kept stuttering. "I think... I'm in love..."

"D-DID I HEAR YOU CORRECTLY?!" He yelled super loudly. "Y-YOU! IN LO- SINCE WHEN?!"

"The entrance exams are now starting please follow me!" A teacher said.

"We have to go come on," I said following the teacher.

The written exam was easy. I was always alone so I always studied and got top of my school while Mirio was average in academics. Sports I was also good at. Mirio was the best at that but I was pretty good back in junior high. The thing is I have an inferiority complex. I plan to change that the best I can. I finished the written exam and when everyone finished we went outside. This school was different and had a test for sports. Mirio made me push to the max the last few months. We were separated by gender and it was pretty hard since there were lots of guys here and my anxiety killed me.

When everyone finished the test they gave everyone a water bottle and an apple. I headed home with Mirio right after. I couldn't think of anything besides the girl.

"Hey, Tamaki what is up with you man?" Mirio asked. "Did I hear you correctly earlier?"

"That was just a joke" I chuckled. "Besides i-it's nothing" I couldn't help but think of her.

"Your sweating still," He said.

"Oh" I grabbed my handkerchief and saw a name that wasn't mine.

Nejire..! This is the handkerchief owned by the girl! We must have swapped it. If she passes the test or if I do I could hand it back to her. I stuffed it in my pocket trying to contain a smile. I could approach her without seeming weird.

"Hey Tamaki I have to go I forgot to help clean the garage!" Mirio said.

"Okay," I waved him goodbye and went into my house. We lived next door since I was in third grade and became friends.

I went inside and went to my room. I dropped everything and laid my back against the door slowly sliding down. What am I so happy about? She isn't even your soulmate. You don't know that since it was only a tiny accident. Why am I getting all worked up for anyways? Soulmates are weird. I went to the bathroom and took out some bandages. I wrapped it around my hands and my wrist. Before wrapping it I took another glance at my left hand. A jasmine flower. What does this even mean? Do they like flowers? It doesn't matter soulmates are too hard to find for me. I wrapped it up and went to go grocery shopping.

I changed and walked there since it was near. I avoided everyone. I wore my glasses instead of contacts and a beanie with my hoodie and jeans. My left hand is in my pocket and my right-hand grabs the stuff I need and puts it in my basket. I was about to grab the eggs until I saw the girl. She was also about to grab some eggs. I ran back into the chips aisle.

Tamajire normal school/soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now