27. Hazy songs and panic attacks

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Chapter warning: implied/referenced self harm and panic attack. Please proceed with care.


"Stay clear of the closing doors please."

Haku alighted from the stuffy train with a thankful sigh. He had taken a seat next to an insufferable toddler that just decided that his hair was her next play thing. The boy straightened his long dark hair and fastened the strap of his violin case on his shoulders.

Many eyes followed him because of his recognisable school uniform. What was a KSA student doing in a subway? They glanced away after realising that he was probably on scholarship. Only the richest of the rich can afford the fees for such a prestigious school so it would make zero sense if one of them humbled themselves to take the subway.

Haku was an orphan on scholarship but nobody knew that. Nobody except Neji, that is. The two of them met at middle school and bonded over violin. They were the only ones in their grade playing the fiddle after all. It didn't take too long to realise that Neji was not as haughty as he let on. He was nice underneath the cold demeanor he often wore but only to a select few.

The two of them shared secrets with each other so it was safe to say that they were best friends or violin buddies at the least. Haku stopped short in the middle of the platform when a smooth melody reached his ears.

It was the graceful sound of a violin's bow gliding across the strings in flawless progression. Something about the song felt familiar. He knew this song but the memory of it was hazy. It was at the deepest part of his mind that he could not place his fingers on.

Haku's legs followed the tune till he reached a small crowd that had gathered in front of a guy. While some stayed to listen, others dropped tips into his open violin case and left. The guy should be around nineteen or twenty, as Haku deduced. He was wearing cow print pants on a white shirt and some bandages were wrapped around his face.

His strange dressing didn't stop the beauty of his playing though and strangely, Haku felt like he should join in. The song felt like it was a duet and he wanted to join in. The guy started upon hearing a higher pitch of the piece he just played coming from his left. Turning around, his eyes slightly widened at the sight of the boy in front of him.

The way he played the violin was beautiful and soothing, and best of all the boy knew– no still remembered the song. Zabuza, the older teen, played along with Haku. Their music blended in perfect harmony that drew people towards them. An applause followed the end of their rendition and their violin cases were filled with coins and spare cash.

Haku wasn't after the change though. He was exhilarated that a crowd applauded him even though it was just a subway crowd. The moment was nerve wracking and Haku was happy. He turned around to talk to the man that played the violin with him but he was already leaving.

"Wait!" Haku hurried to pack his violin but the  money was obscuring it. The boy groaned and shut the case, opting to carry the violin in hand instead and ran after the older teen. "Wait! Wait please!"

The guy only walked faster though. Haku didn't relent and chased him until they were out of the subway where he finally cornered the guy.

"I said– wait!" Haku said between lungful gulps of air. "Why did you run of like that?! I only wanted to ask a question!" The guy didn't seem impressed by his interruption if the slanting of his eyes were any indication.

"What?" The older asked in a gruffy and mutterish tone.

"This might sound really strange but do I know you?" Haku asked. "I feel like I've met you before and that piece we played, I vaguely recognise it. Do you know me?"

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