44. To the birth of an asshole

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Am I the only one that has problems with placing commas in a sentence?! Those stuff confuse me! I'm always like 'should there be a comma here or not' any time I'm writing and I sometimes end up short circuiting myself 💔💔💔


Sasuke knew that something was up the moment he stepped into the house and a maid told him that his father requested his presence at the study. The boy inhaled and let the breath out in a long sigh. Why did his father demand to see him immediately after he got back from his outing?

He didn't see his mother or brother anywhere in the house which was honestly weird. There was a sour feeling in his gut that something unpleasant was about to happen. He could never be more right.

Sasuke knocked on the dark mahogany door to his father's study and let himself in. Fugaku was brooding over some company work when he entered which he stopped in favour of turning his attention to him.

"Father." Sasuke bowed his head in greeting.

"Sasuke." That tone of voice was not good. "Where were you?" He asked.

Sasuke was floored by the question. He knew his father's habit of asking questions even though he clearly knew about the matter; his father had somehow figured out about his recent outings with the EsDee if his disdaining expression was anything to go by.

The boy swallowed and licked his suddenly dry lips. "I...was out practicing with my friends." He said hesitantly.

"Which practice?" Fugaku's stern voice drawled.

"Dance practice." The older Uchiha pulled out a picture seemingly out of nowhere and slid it down the table for his son to see. Sasuke picked the picture up with a subtle gulp. It was a picture of him and the EsDee dancing for the second round of their competition last week. "I..."

"This is what I taught you? To lie to me and hang around with vagabonds?" Fugaku asked sarcastically.

"If I didn't lie you won't let me!" Sasuke defended but Fugaku was not having any of that.

"Hah! Look what playing around with those ruffians has done you! Look at your plummeting grades!" Fugaku's voice raised a bit. Sasuke's grades didn't even drop, it was just that Shikamaru proved to be smarter than anyone in their grade but his father clearly didn't want to see reason in that. Everything was his damn fault.

"My friends are not ruffians." Sasuke defended the people he has come to like their company but as always, Fugaku had something to debunk that with. The older man pulled out a file that Sasuke recognised as student files and read out loud for Sasuke's hearing.

"Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto. Convicted for the alleged murder of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, sentenced to juvenile rehabilitation because he was too young to be jailed. Academic performance is VERY poor!" He flipped the page over.

"Naruto must've had a reason, he doesn't even remember his past!" Sasuke was flipped off (not in that way) of course by Fugaku who proceeded to read the next file.

"Sabaku no Gaara. Third son of the Kazekage and the black sheep of his family. Suspected for the murder of his uncle and has been jailed various times for violence. School delinquent, rebel, truant and very volatile. Academic performance? EXTREMELY poor!"

"Gaara is just usually misunderstood! He is hyphaephobic!" (Fear of physical contact)

"Ten Ten. She doesn't have any notable record. Seventeen! And she is still in her first year because she REPEATED a grade!"

"Not everybody was made for studying!"

"Inuzuka Kiba is just a level better than that Namikaze brat, coming third place...from the BACK!"

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