14. Who am I to judge?

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"Hey, hey, hey!"

(AN: I couldn't help myself😅)

Suigetsu and Ino barged into the class with dark excitement followed by Juugo who was silently trailing behind his gossip of a best friend.

"Guuuyyysss!" Ino screeched. "Have you seen it?!"

"Seen what?" Sakura who arrived at school earlier than her best friend asked.

"Sabaku in a janitor's uniform!" Suigetsu answered with a laugh. "Right now he is fixing the trash bags over the bins, who wants to watch him?!"

"So the rumours yesterday was real?! I want to see!" Karin yelled and sped out of the class.

Sakura wanted to go, she really wanted to but she had to put up a front for Sasuke who was in the class working on some math problems as usual. Ino rolled her eyes at her friend's antics and dragged her by the hand away from the class.

Many other classmates ran out of the class to see the red devil janitor, leaving Sasuke and Shino alone in the class.

"Where is the fire?" Neji asked as he entered the class along with Hinata. They were on their way to the classroom when students suddenly started filing out of classes like an angry mob.

"Everyone is outside, that's because Sabaku no Gaara is supposedly wearing a janitor's uniform." Shino informed.

"Janitor's uniform?" Neji echoed.

"Hn. Do you want to join them, Hyuga?" Sasuke quipped without looking up from his textbook.

"Not quite, Uchiha." Neji replied taking his seat.

"Good morning everyone!" A sing song voice started but died down when the owner realized that the class was half empty. "Ahre?! Where is everybody?"

"Good morning Haku-kun." Hinata greeted.

"Hina-chan! Finally, somebody realizes I've been missing in school for weeks." Haku exclaimed happily. Haku was a very androgynous person with doe brown eyes and long brown hair. Many a times he was hit on because he was thought to be a girl. His signature black choker did not help matters one bit.

"At least one person realized your absence." Shino muttered bitterly.

"Shino-chan! It is nice seeing you again." Haku entered the class fully and dropped his black bag pack on a table. "Aren't you two going to welcome me back?" He asked the two geniuses whose faces were in books as usual.

"Hn." Sasuke was monosyllabic as usual.

"Hn to you too."

"Hello Haku." Neji greeted absently.

"Ah!" Haku suddenly brightened upon remembering something. "Did the great Hyuga catch your tattoo?!" He asked. Haku knew when Neji got the blue tattoo done on his forehead during the long vacation. The two long haired men were in the same holiday violin classes when it happened.

Neji had been angry about something his uncle did and so he stupidly went to get the tattoo done, at least that was Haku's point of view of the story.

"Yes, he caught it." Neji sighed. "My ears rang for weeks." Sasuke scoffed at this but everybody in the class understood that was his way of laughing. Haku also gave a soft laugh and looked around the class.

"Seriously though, as I was coming I saw a crowd. What did I miss?" Haku asked.

"Gaara-kun is the reason why the school is rowdy." Hinata responded softly.

"Sabaku-chan?! Wow, that must be graphic. Purple would clash with his hair!" Haku yelped dramatically. He was one for fashion after all.

"Only you Haku, only you." Neji chuckled softly at his classmate's antics.

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