🎃 Happy Halloween!🎃

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So my brother said I should write an Halloween special and I almost didn't want to write anything because I had no idea what to write. This came to my mind two hours before Halloween. It is a story idea I have been mentally developing but I could share it now to hear what you guys think about it.

Have a good Halloween everyone! It sucks that Halloween is not celebrated where I'm from, I would have loved to dress up as a psychotic serial killer😁.

Anyway guys, tell me what you think about the one shot in the comment section.

Xxx xxX  

Fox spirits are known for their wittiness and deception. They are swift, cunning and good liars that every creature should be aware of. She should have seen the red flags waving at her but she was blinded by his sunny smile and lured in by his sweet tongue.

She should have known.

Naruto was the cunningest of the cunningest fox spirits and was also obviously a great deceiver. His golden mane and cerulean eyes were what lured creatures to him the most. Yes, he was very handsome. They say he got his looks from his father who was a male nymph and his cunningness from his mother who was the smartest fox spirit and it was all true.

Three whiskers decorated each of his cheeks and his voice sounded like a lullaby. His happy go lucky demeanor attracted creatures, friends and foes alike, to him and that was where he trapped his victims.

Blue eyes shone with delight as he scanned the old book he found in Kurama's library. The orange-red fox spirit was the oldest and strongest fox in Kitsune, having a total number of nine orange-red tails. Kurama liked staying in his fox form rather than human form because it was more natural and freeing but that wasn't the point here. Naruto just found a treasure!

The Byakugan was worth a hundred big bags of gold because of its magical abilities and there was nothing a fox loved more than gold and ramen. Naruto sighed dreamily at the thought of spending his imaginary money, then flipped the pages of the old book over.

The golden fox was not one for reading and this would probably be his first time stepping into the library in his one hundred and forty two years of living but he was ordered to clean the big room as punishment for tricking young kittens into thinking that blue fire was cold.

It was not his fault that they were stupid, fire was fire after all. Their parents should be thankful that he did not tell them that goblin fire made the skin beautiful or trick them into finding a dragon.

Kurama had given him a earful and the fox community had deigned him for pulling a silly prank that was only in the fox nature to pull. One would think that after almost two centuries, the hateful looks he recipe for being an interspecies mix would dissipate or at the very least reduce but it still remained.

He was still considered an outcast and was ridiculed because of a little kit teasing. Kurama had told him to arrange some books in chronological order to prevent the foxes from harassing him and Naruto couldn't help but feel greatly harassed until an old book fell open before him.

Naruto picked the book up, intrigued by the paragraph his sharp eyes caught as it fell, and studied the page. The Byakugan held the power to harness aura itself and gave whoever possessed it three sixty vision, the ability to see the future and the ability to see through everything.

The only problem was that the Byakugan was possessed and protected by the Hyuga, a clan of elven warriors which is why the price for them was very high. No creature had succeeded in stealing a Byakugan but Naruto knew he would be the first. He would acquire a Byakugan and the foxes would see that he wasn't a useless mix. He would rub his victory on their faces and show them that he was somebody important.

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