17. Uchiha Sasuke

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"I would announce the results of the class committee election."

Sasuke and Neji took soft sharp breaths as Asuma fumbled with the results of their ballot.

"The class president of grade 10 class 1 is... Hyuga Neji and his vice by default is Uchiha Sasuke."

Sasuke's fingers dug into his palms till they almost bled. Once again he lost to Hyuga.

The class applauded the new elects but Sasuke 's scowl remained. He was always second. No matter how hard he read and how much he tried he always ended up second place. The smug smile on Hyuga's face was aggravating and irritating.

Uchiha Itachi won as the president of the student union.

Sasuke gritted his teeth. Once again his brother showed that he was far ahead of Sasuke. When he was younger, Sasuke used to admire Itachi and his intelligence but everything changed as time passed. He hated being showed up. He hated the fact that there were people better than he was.

He hated it.

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The first committee meeting of the student union held place after closing hours that day. It was held mainly for introductions and explanation of roles and assignment of duties.

Everyone was seated at the round table (no kidding) with Uchiha Itachi at the starting point of the circle. Every seat was occupied except one seat.

"Well since one of us is absent, let us begin." Itachi started the conference. "We shall begin with self introductions. One by one we would state our names and the roles we take. I will go first. I am Uchiha Itachi, the president, it's nice to meet you all."

Everyone in the room applauded. Next to him was Uzumaki Nagato who was the vice president of the student union by default. After Nagato was Yahiko who was the committee in charge of social activities and Konan, his vice.

Kakuzu was the treasurer and committee in charge of financial contributions (no surprise there). Deidara and Sasori were the committees of arts. There was no vice or leader amongst them because neither of them refused to be beneath the other.

Hidan was the moderator of events. His job was to type down everything that happens in meetings and he is has the final say if there is a debate or contemplation.

"How in the world did Hidan end up with such an important job?!" Kisame asked incredulously. He was the sports and club activity committee. Among them, the silver head was the most violent and definitely not the most level headed person so how he got the job of a moderator was a surprise to all.

"What do you fucking mean?! I can hold a job fucking well too!" Hidan huffed indignantly.

"I am Sabaku no Temari, committee in charge of school discipline." Temari introduced herself.

"Oh, so you are the sister of that little trouble maker." Kakuzu drawled lazily. His cheek rested on his palm which was supported by his elbow on the table. Temari did not reply as other members had to introduce themselves.

"I am Darui, class president of grade eleven class one...this is so dull." Darui was Omoi and Karui's older brother. He had the same skin shade as Omoi and his bleach blond hair, something they both inherited from their mother.

"It is a meeting, there is nothing to fucking expect. Where the hell is the food?!" Hidan cursed, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

"Like you said Hidan, it is a meeting and your mouth needs bleach, forget soap." Kakuzu countered.

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