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That afternoon turned into a few days, which turned into a week.

"Could you please play violin for us?" Wilbur is dying to hear the mystical music he has heard so much about. Evangeline giggles at the sight of the boy, twice her size, giving her the puppy eyes.

"Fine, fine, everyone gather round." She has gotten much more comfortable with the gazes of the boys, but nervousness churns within her as she grabbed her instrument. With a quick breath, she begins to play. Like bunnies hopping through a meadow, the melody weaves in and out of the ears of her audience. A waterfall crashes and a rainbow appears in the fantasy world she paints.


"Come on, we need to get you cleaned up." Slowly, the water became tinted red and her wings shone through in the original heavenly white as the old man gently washed away the self-inflicted blood. Not a harsh word passed between them while he bandaged the deep cut, which he assured her would scar, but heal completely. When the girl was completely repaired, he asked, "Why would you hide it? Why were you trying to get rid of your blessing, something beautiful?"

"You don't understand, it's not a blessing; it's a curse. Everywhere I go I'm chased away," her voice broke into a whisper, "not even my parents wanted me."

"Evangeline..." Marshall now had silent tears running down his face. "You are a gift to this world. Never forget it. You don't need to run anymore. This is your home now, you're safe with me." Speechless, Evengeline hugged the only person to have ever shown true kindness to her. "I have a gift for you, wait here." Marshall held her close, then as quickly as his frail body allowed him he rushed down the stairs, then back up again. When he returned, he was holding his hands behind his back. "The reason I came back home so soon was because I had a surprise that just couldn't wait." He revealed the surprise and placed it gently into Evangeline's hands. She just stared.

"A violin?"

"I figured I could teach you."


After she brings her song to an end, she looks up to see an entirely speechless and awe-struck audience.

"Wow," Philza breathes.

"Could I try?" Evangeline slowly hands her prized possession to Wilbur, hoping he understands the small gesture is a representation of her trust. Thankfully, he holds it with the utmost respect, almost scared of the delicate strings. With tiny movements she corrects his positioning and teaches him the quick basics of bow pressure and finger placement. Evangeline stands back, remembering her own teacher. The group watches as Wilbur struggles to play.

"You are quite extraordinary." Philza whispers to her.

"Thank you Phil," she blushes.

Eventually, Wilbur scares everyone away with the screeching of his attempts, so he returns her violin and she is pulled away by Tommy to be shown endless mundanes that only Tommy can make exciting.

"Evangeline, for your sake, if you do leave..."

"Yes Phil?" She looks up from the book Tommy is showing her. She has gotten much more comfortable, so the prospect of her leaving has become like an unspoken, inside joke.

"You should really go out and fly some, you know, exercise your wings."

Evangeline cringes, having avoided this conversation every time.

"I just never needed to, so why now?"

The man gives her a stern look. "You are safe here. Please, at least try."

"Fine..." She grumbles on her way to the door.

"And take one of your brothers with you!" He calls after her. There goes her plan of sitting in the field for thirty minutes and lying. She looks at Wilbur, who is sitting closest to the door.

"Sure," he answers before she can ask. The two walk in silence until they get to the field, staring at the intimidating sky above.

"Are you scared of falling, or accepting who you are?"

Wow, he went there. "Both." Evangeline takes a step forward, and brandishes her wings.

"Here goes nothing," she whispers as she starts to flap, muscles straining against gravity and air. "Come on," her feet leave the ground, "come on," she gains some height and catches the wind to coast, "yes!" Evangeline makes it, gliding around with the help of the breeze. She looks at Wilbur with the face of accomplishment. He smiles back, but in that moment of distraction, her wing dips and she tumbles to the ground.

"Oh my god, are you ok?"

Evangeline only giggles. "I did it!"

"You did it!" Both of them throw their heads back in the enjoyment of the moment. Evangeline picks herself up and tries again, this time with double the confidence. She is not perfect, but for the first time in forever, her wings feel like they belong there, like they are a part of her that she accepts. 

A/N This was an entirely wholesome chapter :) I, the author, hereby bless you with a productive day. Sometime soon, you will be motivated to do your work. You're welcome!

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