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"Hey Phil." Techno finds his father figure sitting outside by himself after Tommy and Wilbur have gone to bed. This is unusual for him, as Technoblade is usually the insomniac. Philza doesn't respond, clearly deep in thought. "You're thinking about her, aren't you."

"She just... she reminds me so much of you. All alone, with nowhere to go. Terrified of the world. And god, she must not be any older than Tommy." The pink haired man sits down next to him.

"I mean, should we go after her? She ran away both times I've encountered her."

"Techno she stole from your farm. And when I saw her she looked so... small." The sounds of crickets fill the space between them. "Are- were you happy that I took you in?"

Techno scoffs. "Yes, of course. You guys are like family to me. Maybe... maybe I was a little reluctant at first. You know, I get it. Being on your own for so long you learn not to trust anyone. You get comfortable with your own solitude." His reflection hangs in the air, joining the stars in the night sky. Both men turn over the words in their heads, thinking about the lonely girl in the woods. Crickets chirp, the occasional owl hoots, but then another sound joins the mix.

"Shh! Do you hear that?" Philza's hand grips Techno's shoulder in excitement. Both of them strain, every ounce of concentration is dedicated to listening to the faint sound of... violin?

"It's her," Technoblade whispers. Both of them stand in unison.

"No," Philza turns to his son, "I'm going alone. One old dude would be less threatening."

"Be safe."

With a nod, he turns away to follow the music. Although faint, it isn't hard to appreciate the haunting beauty. Like a sailor to a siren, the endtranced man is tugged through the dark forest. At last, he reaches the source. Staying out of sight, Philza finally has the opportunity to get a good look at the girl who is making the violin sing. His breath hitches when he sees her. Almost glowing in the night, delicate feathers frame her body in a way this man has never seen before. Evangeline's eyebrows are knit in concentration and her eyes flutter shut while the aura of the night whimsically dances to her song. Flowing, dipping, spinning and whirling, she writes her story into a fragile conclusion.

"Do it now. Shoot me. Call me a freak. Stop pretending like you're not there."

Phil's emotions scatter. Excuses, apologies, any chance of resurrecting the moment fly away from his grip. "I- I mean you no harm. You're all alone, I wanted to help you."

Evangeline is prepared to fight. Willing ro run. But this...


A quick decision pulled her hands away from the bread. Trained stealth gave her a soundless journey up the stairs and to a closed door which appeared to be the source of the music. With a quick inhale, she pushed the door open, just a sliver. A scrawny old man was playing violin, thankfully facing away from Evangeline. She watched him in silence, hungrily consuming every note that flowed from his bow. Timeless minutes passed and the awe-struck girl had forgotten completely that she had broken into his home. So it was only surprise, not fear that struck her when the man turned around after finishing his tune.

"My, what are you doing here?" His aged voice was oozing with welcoming energy, and he acted as if he knew she was there all along. Evangeline, however, was rooted to the floor, mind racing with possible excuses. Meeting the man's gaze, she instantly knew the only way to handle this would be to tell the truth.

"Well, you see, I was hungry... and umm..."

"That's all right young lady, you don't have to explain yourself. Where are your parents?"

Evangeline wondered how honest she should really be. All or nothing, she supposed.

"They, uh, they didn't want me. I've lived my whole life on the streets... uh sir."

"Please, call me Marshall. Or you could call me 'the crazy old man who lives alone' like the rest of the youngins do." He paused, clearly making wordless decisions in his head. "You must be hungry, yes?"

A quick nod gave him his answer, so he led the way back down into the kitchen. The child sheepishly smiled as Marshall fixed the broken lock on the door with staged disapproval. He cut into the loaf of bread and poured a glass of milk before setting it down in front of the hungry girl.


"You don't want to help me." Her voice shakes. "Please, I'll just hurt you."

"You shouldn't be alone out here!" Hurt strangles the man's voice.

"It- it's for the best." Evangeline turns, raising her wings to fly away.

"Wait!" A strangled voice stops both figures in the clearing.

A/N Things are heating up a bit >:) Is anyone else really stressed with school? I'm having a not-fun time. Anyways, today you should get up, stretch, and relax your body. I love you stay safe!

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