a walk in the park

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lately Anthony has been on edge. He's stressed about his sister and his best friend and him being the new viscount. I was under the Bridgerton's tent while Mrs.Bridgerton was talking with other mamas, its nothing new that i was hanging out with them because i have been best friends with Eloise for the longest time. 

We have done almost everything together since we were five like going to parties and balls while I was dancing with boys, she was reading in some corner. Everyone loved me, I was like a part of their family. the boys often made fun of me but if anyone else did the boys, especially Colin and Anthony, would chase them around and beat them or they would embarrass their whole family. I have spent a lot of time with all of them but i never expected to fall for one of them. 

Yes, you heard that right I fell for one. Who you might be asking? The one and only Anthony Bridgerton. I don't know how exactly it happened. Maybe between the 'friendly' flirting or him taking care of me while I'm sick or protecting me against assholes but I fell...hard . 

Anyways back to where we are, Eloise left to talk to Penelope she asked if I wanted to come because we're all friends but I was really wrapped into this book ,Eloise got me really into reading, so I declined. Daphne was waiting for the duke and I was sitting beside her reading, that's when Anthony started walking towards us. My heart started to beat, my stomach filled with butterfly's and my cheeks got red. I quickly hid my face behind the book and started to read. I had already read this book so many times so I knew what was about to happen, my favorite part, where the prince and princess are confessing their love IN THE RAIN.  I got so wrapped up in the book that I didn't hear Antony and Daphne's conversation  or hear Daphne leave so when I looked up she was gone and Anthony was still there, my cheeks got red again but i quickly regained my confidence. 

"Anthony are you alright?" I asked " hmm oh uh- yes I just- this whole thing with my sister and my best friend is stressful" as I was about to reply he stands up and put out his hand to help me stand " y/n will you join me for a walk? I need to clear my head and I like your company" he said while slightly smiling. I quickly grabbed his hand and stood up " I would love too, I also enjoy your company" I said. 

We started walking the opposite direction of Daphne and the duke. As we were walking we told our favorite stories of when we were kids like all of the times me and him would sneak out of rooms when I had sleepovers and would eat cookies and when we would try to make warm milk but neither of us knew who to use the stove. "- and then that one time your mothers mistress caught us and chased us back to our rooms" I said laughing, he let out a big laugh and we continued walking and telling funny stories from our youth. As we where walking we went through this field filled with y/f/f and he bent down and picked one up, he then placed it behind my ear ,I smiled then blushed and looked down. He picked my chin up with one finger gently and looked me in the eyes" I know they're your favorite. you look beautiful y/n" he said while smiling and staring deeply into my eyes. I blushed just a little and said" thank you, you don't look so bad yourself" he blushed a little a that "actually there's something I want to tell you..." he said while blushing and looking a little nervous" well um- you see- there's um- i-.....I love you! There i said it. Every morning you're my first thought ,every night you're my last thought. Your smile and laugh brings me joy, the way your y/c/h y/h/l falls so perfectly without you trying makes me swoon and your lovely y/e/c eyes , why  I could stare in them all day and there are about a thousand more things I love about you but...I need to know, do you share my affection?" he says while looking longingly into my eyes, desperately looking for an answer. I stand there shocked not knowing what to do or even how to talk, the man I've loved since I was 8 years old loves me back. He looks down, sadness overcoming his face "I knew you didn't love me back" he starts to walk away but I grab his wrist and pull him towards me, grabbing his face and kissing him. Every emotion I've felt and words I've wanted to say being replaced by that kiss, its like fireworks are going off in both of us. when i realized i still needed to breath i pulled away slowly, resting my forehead on his, both of us breathing heavily. "i love you more than you will ever know Anthony Bridgerton." he smiles more than ever and picks me up and spins me, both of us laughing before he sets me down and pecks my lips once. Then he looks shocked but still happy "what?" I say smiling like an idiot "well i just defiled your innocence... so I guess I have to do this" he says while getting on one knee taking my hand.       

(idk how they proposed back then but just roll with it)

My eyes widen and I start tearing up " y/n y/m/n y/l/n will you marry me?" "yes! yes a million times yes!" I say. He stands up smiling EVEN bigger and pecks my lips.

"where have you two been?" Eloise asks as we start approaching their tent while holding hands and smiling"and why are you holding hands?" We just look at each other lovingly. Realization overcomes Eloise and she starts jumping and clapping while screaming " yes yes finally!" while Penelope stands there looking confused before Eloise whispers something in her ear and Penelope starts doing what Eloise did and soon they're doing it together holding hands. "whats all this commotion?" asks Mrs.Bridgerton. Anthony smiles and yells " family gather round for I have amazing news" everyone gathers in front of us except Daphne , she was still walking with the duke , Anthony holds up our hands and we yell at the same time "WE"RE ENGAGED!" everyone starts cheering and celebrating and then come over to congratulate us, the duke and Daphne come back from their walk " well what did we miss?" Daphne asks. " their engaged!" Colin yells before we can. Daphne comes over and hugs me while the duke and Anthony do that 'manly hug'.We're now at the bridgerton house celebrating with our families while Anthony hugs my waist protectively and kisses my cheek and everything is right in the world.THE END    


update- I was like 11 when I wrote these, I've completely stopped writing and probably won't again because this book is so cringey.

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