best friends

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-sorry i have not uploaded in a long time we just moved and tomorrow is my birthday and then i start school soooooo-


Anthony and I have been very good friends since... well just kinda forever. we hang every other day if not every day and my family is his and his family is mine same with our houses. we spend lots of time together and to the older ladies that's just more gossip. 

You see because Anthony and me are so close everyone assumes he's courting me. and all the  old ladies talk about us and when me and Anthony pass all the little girls go "ooo" he finds it annoying but i don't because... i'm in love with him but he will never know. i mean i'm sure i'll get over it right? i mean I've only ...loved ...him for.. 2 years...oh crap.

i was well aware that he didnt have feelings for me, i've even told myself a couple of times but i couldn't get over him no matter how much i tried.

one day i was very VERY bored so i went to the bridgertons house to hang out with someone,most likely Anthony if he was there since we never get to hang out anymore since he's always so busy. as soon as i walked into the drawing room there was Anthony's mom, we were pretty close considering  how close me and Anthony were and she was also close with my mom, she started talking to me and giving me advice ( that i did not ask for) i didn't mind because we haven't talked in awhile but after 50 FREAKING MINUTES i was done and about to fake a heart attack to get out of there when Anthony comes in and says " i need to borrow y/n for a moment mother" i turn my head to look at him and mouth  'thank you' he winks at me then looks back at his mother " of course, oh my i didn't realize  the time y/n i must have bored you to death" she says jokingly but also apologenic " no" i lied while scoffing. when we leave we start walking around town " thanks for saving me , my prince charming" i say jokingly while bumping his shoulder with mine and i might be going crazy, blind or both because i swear i saw his ears turn red and his cheek flush with a slight blush "your welcome my darling princess" he say winking at me yet again. this time it was my turn to blush.  we hung at the rest of the day and he walked me home but no without coming in and hugging my mom and joking around with my dad, i smiled at them, sometimes it seemed they loved him more than me.

couple of days later and it was Saturday so i planned to hang out with Anthony since i don't think he's TOO busy because its the weekend. i went to the bridgertons house and saw Eloise there i ran up to her and she engulfed me in a bear hug " oh i haven't seen you in forever y/n , you need to hang out with me instead of my stinky brother" she joked when we parted " i promise i will but do you by any chance know where he is at the moment" i asked her " i think he said he was going to the opera house." she answered ' that's strange there is no show on at the moment' i thought. i thanked Eloise and left and started walking to the opera house wondering why Anthony would be there. when i arrived i asked if anyone had seen him and they all said no, i was about to leave, thinking why would he even be here in the first place, when i heard strange noises coming from one of the dressing rooms. i tip-toed to the door and put my ear on it, two people were 'getting it on', i was grossed out so i started to leave when the girl moaned "ANTHONY" and in that moment i don't know what came over me. it was like every thing started moving in slow motion and i couldn't stop myself from barging in and i could not belive what i saw.

there was one of the actresses naked under the sheets while Anthony, the man i loved dearly, was on top of her just staring at me, i ran out barely able to see because of the tears that were flooding out against my will. i could hear him try and pull up his pants and button his shirt as fast as he could which meant he was going to run after me so i ran even faster, not wanting him to catch me and try to talk to me. i know we aren't dating but it still felt like he was cheating on me. " Y/N" "Y/N" i heard him yell after me repeatably but i didn't stop not until i tripped and fell in mud that took my boot off while it was making me slip. 'crap' i thought while trying to stand and hurry to put my boot back on, Anthony's shadow coming closer. "y/n are you ok?" i knew there was no point in trying to hurry now, he had caught up to me. he tried to help me up but i swatted his hands away, still crying. i was pretty hurt but i didn't want to be around him. when i tried to stand up it was clear that i had broke my ankle as i cried out in pain. Anthony caught me and sat me down on a bench, i was so focused on running away i hadn't realized where i was but based on my soroundings i was at the park. we sat in silence for a while until he broke the silence " why did you run and why are you crying" he said quietly. 'that's a stupid question' i thought. " because i - well i - UGHH because i love you  and i've loved you for two years,more than anything or anyone on this planet and seeing you with- with her broke me" i said kinda loud and put my head down and sobbed quietly. he just sat there staring at me. " y/n i - ..... i only slept with her to- to get me over you." he said quietly, i slowly lifted up my head " w-what" i said not sure what i heard was true. " y/n i have loved you since we were 10... its you y/n it will always be you" he said wiping my tears and kissing them away then he kissed my fore head, the tip of my nose then finally kissed my lips. it wasn't rough or harsh i was slow,gentle and romantic. " now lets get you homed and fixed up" he said carrying me bridal style to his house then called a doctor. that night we fell asleep in each others arms peacefully and everything was right in the world.


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