Part 1 - Rain

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Position : Aoba Johsai Boys Volleyball Club's Team Manager

3rd Year Class 4

Age : 17

Favourite Food : Ramen from Ma's

Current Concern:

I haven't been attending practice because my ex-boyfriend is the captain.

It wasn't supposed to rain today. The forecast called for sunny weather all day and here I am. Holding my blazer over my head so I don't get wet as I walk home. I'm cold too. Maybe if I actually went to practice today and actually managed the team I wouldn't be getting soaked. It's been almost 2 months since I haven't been to practice. So I haven't been going since the beginning of the school year. I only came during the first 2 weeks when the first years were getting used to everything. I won't go to practice because I don't want to see Oikawa. But I already passed the gym so I might as well go home. Right? I don't wanna see Oikawa right now anyways.

"Y/N? The gym's right there why don't you get inside before you get sick. The rain's getting harder." I turn around and see Iwaizumi giving me a stern look. "Listen you are going to have to speak to him at one point." Iwaizumi says apologetically as he ushers me inside the gym. He's right. Oikawa and I do need to talk to each other or at least be able to be in the same room. I need to fulfil my managing responsibilities. I walk inside and everyone turns their attention to me.  Oikawa and I make eye contact but I am quick to look away.

 It's only been 2 months since we broke up and I'm still getting over it. I was the one who broke up with him. Some people think I broke up with him because of his fangirls but those girls are really sweet and kind. It was me. I was just a distraction for him. He was jealous that I spoke to Tobio.  I took his attention away from volleyball. We stopped spending time together and when we did we would argue. One day we were walking home and I just did it. I broke up with him. I remember him crying and begging for me not to and I remember me sobbing and apologizing. It was messy. We were together since the beginning of our first year and broke up during the summer going into third year and friends since junior high. 

"Wow. Look who decided to show up." Maki teases as he and Matsun come up to mean give me a smirk.

"Shut up." I laugh and punch their arms lightly. I look back to the rest of the team and bow.

"I'm sorry I haven't been showing up to practice lately. I will be sure to come every practice to fulfil my responsibilities from now on." I explain I look back at the boys and they smile and nod as well.

"Welcome back L/N." Coach says and I bow in thanks before he and Mizoguchi leave the gym with papers in their hands.

"It's about time Y/N." Oikawa says not looking me in the eye. His tone is sad, relieved, exited and anxious at the same time. Maybe it's just unreadable. Everyone else has an 'this is awkward' look on their faces because they know what happened. 

"Thank you captain." I say quietly as I walk into the storage closet to get my clip board. I come back out and everyone is already doing their warm up laps. I grab the case of water bottles and bring them to the fountains to refill. 

I turn on the fountain and start refiling the water.

"Hey Y/N." I turn around and see Iwaizumi. He has a bottle in his hand and puts it with the other empty ones.

"Hey Iwaizumi." I respond looking back at him.

"Do you wanna come with the other third years to get ice cream. Y'know like we always do." Iwaizumi says leaning against the wall.

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