Part 29 - Goodbyes

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Enjoy! Credits to the original artist!

Enjoy! Credits to the original artist!

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"We came here  say thank you one last time." N/N says to the team and coaches who smile sadly. We bow in front of them with grateful looks on our faces. 

"Thank you!'' We say and the team smiles. We decided to all say goodbye to are friends the today. The last day of school is tomorrow which is also prom and graduation. Than I'm staying over at Y/N's house the last 2 days I'm in Miyagi.

"I'll be gone in 3 days but don't think I won't visit and if I hear you're slacking I'll mumble your heads when I come see you." I smile as I go up to Yahaba and pat his shoulder.

"I-I won't let you down Captain.'' Yahaba says and I smile.

"I know." I say back and give the boy a quick hug. The others go up to the team members they were close with and say their goodbyes. Y/N walks up to Yahaba and gives the boy a hug.

"I will see you during summer practices in 2 weeks." She smiles and Yahaba nods.

"You will." She walks away and goes put to other people and I do the same.

"Maddog-chan c'mon 1 hug!" I ask cheekily as I notice him give N/N a hug.Maddog-chan grunts gives me a hug and walks off.

"H-he just-"

"I know babe." N/N giggles and pecks my cheek. I'm gonna miss her the most. 


"Do we need to say good bye to those crows?" I groan as we make our way to Karasuno gym after class. N/N glares at me and flicks my arm.

"I have friends there." She scolds. "And maybe it's time to make amends with Tobio.Or at least be in the same room." She says and Iwa nods beside me. We walk up to the gym doors and N/N knocks on the gym doors.

"Kiyoko!" She cheers and Shimizu-san smiles happily before the 2 girls hug. N/N is more outgoing out of the 2 while Shimizu-san is more reserved and quiet.

"How are you all?" Shimizu-san asks.

"We're good you?"

"I'm well , come inside we are just finishing up practice." She ushers us inside and all of their team's attention is pulled away to us.

"Y/N!" The carrot top cheers and hugs Y/N. Tobio walks up to Y/N and gives her a hug too. Keeping eye contact with me the entire time. Ugh this kid is gonna try and get with Y/N while I'm in Argentina. I'll probably be there for a while too. Daichi walks up to us and waves.

"Oh all of you are here." He says surprised. "Well the more there merrier I guess." Mr. Refreshing remarks.

"We just wanted to say bye to everyone because we are graduating." N/N smiles. "Toru most of all he's leaving soon." She says sadly, but a slight brag to her voice. "He's going pro in Argentina." She smirks and Karasuno turns to me with surprised faces.

"What can I say I'm a good setter!" I defend and they laugh. "I'm leaving in 4 days to get a head start." I explain.

"Congratulations!" They say and I smile.

"What about Y/N?" Tobio snarls and I glare. 

"Actually Tobio, I was the one who told Toru to go and I stay back here. I can't hold him back." N/N says in a calming voice as she walks up to me, grabs my hand and kisses it's back and I smile. Tobio just nods.

"Well we would like to thank you for the great matches you played with us." Iwa says.

"Thank you!" We all say and the crows smile.




It's gotten warmer. You only need a light sweater right now. So on our last day as highschool students Toru, Iwa, Makki, Mattsun and I eat on the roof top for the last time. I lean my back onto Toru's chest as we share a bento.

"Can you guys come to the airport with me when I leave?" Toru asks and all of us tense up. The guys nod quietly and smile at him.

"We're gonna miss you Shittykawa." Iwa says and Toru tenses up again too.

"I'll come visit! I swear! You better too cause you're gonna be in Tokyo!" Toru squeals and I frown. Iwa's gonna be gone in a month. He said he would be back on week ends though. It's gonna be me Makki and Mattsun now.

"I hate goodbyes." I mumble and Toru holds me tighter.

"Makki, Mattsun make sure N/N eats! She can't be malnourished because I won't be able to squish her cheeks!" He gasps as he cups my face. Makki and Mattsun nod.

"Don't worry Oikawa. We'll drop her off at day care too." Makki laughs.

"Thank you." I say and the guys look at me. "For being my friends." I whisper as I feel tears. I really have been crying a bunch. "You g-guys made high school so amazing." I smile and we all give each other a huge group hug.

I'm gonna miss this. The bliss of high School and mediocre drama.

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