Part 25 -January Went By

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Its the second week of January, winter festivals week

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Its the second week of January, winter festivals week. My favourite week! Our class set up an arm wrestling booth where Iwa just arm wrestles people and if they win they get a stuffy. It's like a Carnaval game really.

"Kyoutani face it! Iwa is just stronger than you!" Yahaba laughs as he leans his head on Jin who is patting him on the head.

"Fuck of Yahaba I'm gonna get this." Kyoutani grumbles.

"Kyoutani y'know I could let you win right?" Iwa laughs. Toru and I place our hands on Kyoutani and Iwa's fist.

"3, 2, 1 go!" I say and the boys go at it.

"Kyoutani you are gonna break your wrist!" Jin scolds and we all laugh. 


3rd week of January.

We decided to eat on the stairwell to stay away from the cold. My head is on Toru's lap while we talk to Makki and Iwa. Toru pets my eyebrows and I giggle.

"This is new." I say as I brush his wrist.

"You have cute eyebrows N/N-chan. They're so-"

"Hey virgin 1,2,3 and 4." Mattsun laughs as he comes to the stairwell and sits on now of the steps.

"You mean 1 and 2. Y'know Toru has a freckle on his shoulder blade?" I say as I close my eyes and Toru continues to pet my eyebrows stifling a giggle. Iwa, Makki and Mattsun  stay silent for a moment until they freak.

"Wait. Holy shit. You two fucked?" Makki asks and Toru and I nod as I sit up. 


"Christmas Eve. After you all left." Toru says and Mattsun groans.

"It was romantic wasn't it? Cause it was a holiday,  you are a couple and not a hookup because you're horny!" He sighs and I giggle.

"Yup, N/N-chan has a birthmark in the middle of her back." Toru says and I nod.

"What was it like?" Makki asks and I roll my eyes.

"Get your porn somewhere else because that story is for Toru and I only." I say as I pinch Makki's nose.  

"Loserkawa bottomed right?" Iwa laughs and the rest of us giggle except Toru who pouts.

"He didn't." I say and the guys look at me in shock.

"Ya sure. He's the top out of you two." Mattsun laughs and Toru pouts more.


It's the last week of January and I'm eating dinner with my Mom.

"So how's Toru." 

'' He's good. He got an early college offer for volleyball and if he does well they can move him to pro volleyball." I say before I shovel soba into my mouth.

"Really what school? Is it a Tokyo school?" Mom asks excitedly.

"Argentina." I say shortly and Mom grabs my hand.

''I'm sorry sweetie." She says and brushes her fingers along my hand. 

"He said he would say no to the offer and stay with me but I said to go then he told me to go but I said home is here and I can't leave. He wanted this really bad and he got it.I didn't want to be the one holding him back." I explain and Mom smiles.

"Do you want to go with Toru to Argentina?" Mom asks.

"W-what about you?" I ask but she smiles.

"People will give you mixed advice but follow your heart not your head. Do what you want. Listen to yourself. I'll be fine too! I have friends from work I'm still young. I'm only 39  you know." Mom says and I think. I have been suppressing thoughts of Toru leaving. Why think of it now when we have 2 months left.

2 months.

"Do what you think is right for you dear." Mom smiles softly at me and I feel her hand tighten around mine.

"Thanks Mom." I say and I give her a huge hug. She giggles and pushes me off.

"Hurry up and eat before your soba gets bad." 

I giggle and sit back down and start eating again.

"I don't even know what I want to do Mom." I sigh and Mom laughs.

"You won't for a while but you are never stuck with what you choose. You can always change your mind." She smiles at me.

"I love you Mom."

"And I love you."


"Hey coach can I speak with you?" I ask Coach Irihata. Yahaba told me the guys won't have practice today so I came to chat with him in the gym.

"Hey L/N you said you needed to speak with me." He says as he sits on the bench and I sit too.

"How are you?"

"Im good,  you?"

"I'm doing fine."

"I heard about Oikawa's plans for Argentina are you gonna go with him?" He asks raising his eyebrows and I laugh.

"That's actually why I came in. I was wondering if I would be able to get a coaching position on the team." I ask and Coach smiles.

"Actually yes. I'm retiring after this year." He says and my eyes widen.

"W-what you are?" I say baffled and Coach smiles.

"Yes. My daughter has 2 babies that need their Grandpa's and Grandma's  attention." He says and I still look at him in shock.

"But you're only 57!" I say and Coach laughs.

"So I get extra years of retirement .My wife also had a very well paying job." He says and I giggle. We met his wife once. She's a  top lawyer but retired last year. . "I haven't told any of the team members. You and Mizoguchi are the only ones that no so keep your mouth shut." He instructs.

"Yes Coach." 

"But if you want the position you can have it right after you graduate high school. Mizoguchi will take my place and you can take his." He says and I smile.

"Can I think about it?" I ask and Coach nods.

"Be sure to tell me by your graduation okay?" I nod. "Is that all you need?" Coach asks and I nod.

"Yes sir. Th-thank you so much!" I say as I leave the gym.

This makes things harder for myself. I have a job offer set in stone here in Miyagi. After coaching for a year or 2 I can move out and get an apartment. I'll be coaching the boys I went to school with. That can be weird or super fun. 2 January's up and there are 2 months until graduation. 2 months until I have a decision. Shit.

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