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        "When we get to the top of the Ferris wheel, let's open our fortune cookies so they'll come true!" (Y/n) pointed to the cart at the top of the Ferris wheel.

He cocked an eyebrow. "What if we get bad fortunes?"

She rolled her eyes. "They can't give us bad fortunes. It's bad for business." He sighed as they moved further in the line. 

The (H/c) female stood holding her dinosaur in line next to the albino, in the middle of the line for the Ferris wheel. It was already nighttime, and they were going to play fireworks later. They spent all day playing rigged games at the arcade, almost throwing up in the rides, and eating an abundance of random foods. It was the best date either had been on. In fact, probably the first date either had been on. Just writing their characters gives me virgin energy. 

"We're almost up!" (Y/n) flailed her arms. Killua laughed at her. 

"You're way too excited for this." He shook his head with a small smile. 

About 9 minutes passed, it was their turn. It was dark, and it seemed like a good time. They stepped inside the ride, sitting across from each other. 

"Hey, Kil?" She asked as the ride started. 

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Did you enjoy talking to me? Did you even want to meet me?" She asked, not being able to make eye contact.

He looked at her with surprise. He sighed and leaned forward to look into her eyes. "You damn women are so weird. Of course, I did." He flicked her forehead.

"Ow..." She rubbed her poor forehead. Completely forgetting about it, she looked outside and her face brightened. "Look! We're at the top!" They both pressed their hands against the glass. 

Due to loud noise and the ride stopping, they looked out the other side. "Wow! Fireworks!" They said in unison. 

"Wait! Now that we're up here, we have to open our fortune cookies!" She remembered. She started to take hers out of her bag. 

"Wait!" He stopped her. "Let's trade!"

"Uh, okay!" She looked at him weirdly but still traded. "Let's open them at the same time!" He nodded. 

"3,2,1!" They broke their cookies open.

Suddenly, her world stopped for a moment in time. Her eyes widened as she scanned the small fortune with her eyes. The fireworks were so loud, yet she couldn't hear a thing. The ride was stopped, but she felt like it was rotating 100 miles per hour. 

The albino was silent, looking at the small slip of paper. He laughed. "You dumbass. You copied me."

She started to cry. His eyes widened. "AH! Was it really that bad?? I'm so sorry-, please don't cry..." He panicked. 

She moved towards him and embraced him, tears in the corners of her closed eyes. He smiled and burrowed his face into her shoulder. The fortunes fell out of their hands and landed next to each other on the floor of the cart. 


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