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With Killua

Gon gave him a big thumbs up. "You'll be okay! Say, is that her?" Everyone's heads snapped towards the group of girls looking around. 

Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio went over to a shop, leaving him alone. Soon, the two girls she was with scurried away to a nail salon. 

She started to look around, and when she finally spotted him, her eyes lit up. She started to wave like a person out of a mental hospital. 

He speed-walked over to her. He skidded to a halt in front of her and flicked her forehead. "Baka! I was here for like, 45 minutes!"

She scoffed. "Shut the fuck up, or I will drop-kick your Albino ass. I'm only 6 minutes late." 

He rolled his eyes. "You're still late."


(Y/n) pov

We had decided to watch a horror movie. 

I was okay with horror, if anything I liked it. I was just a jumpy person. 

"Are you coming?" He interrupted my thoughts. I nodded and followed him to the theatre. We got our tickets and snacks and went to our seats. He paid for everything, of course. He may be a little bitch, but he's a gentleman. 

"What's the movie about?" I said with a mouth full of candy. 

"Your gonna get that shit on me!" He waited for me to chew my food. "AnYwayS, it's some new horror movie. I have no clue what it's about."

We turned to face the screen, due to the movie was starting. It introduced the characters and the setting. 

Killua groaned. "When's the good part?" He whined. 

"Just fucking wait." I rolled my eyes. He rolled his right back at me. 

Air pov

The movie had gotten really scary. 

(Y/n) kept jumping, and Killua kept laughing at her. The people in front of them constantly had to tell them to shut the fuck up. 

Suddenly, Killua's phone vibrated. He took a break from laughing at (Y/n) and opened the phone. Thank god the brightness was all the way down. 

He read his messages.


Hold her hand


Ya don't be a pussy killua

Killua's head whipped around. He couldn't see them. "The fuck?" He whispered. 

(Y/n) nodded. "I know! Why would she do that? Her best friend!" She whispered to him. 

Killua decided to just watch the movie. "Get your hand off the armrest. You're on my side."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes. "I'm telling you to hold my hand you stupid bitch."

His cheeks flared. So that's what they were trying to tell him. He hesitantly intertwined their hands. He shook his head, realizing how out of character he was right now. 

Soon, the credits started rolling. "Huh. I can't believe she killed her own daughter." (Y/n) made a clicking sound with her tongue. 

"Um, yeah? She kinda had too. The daughter killed like, a hundred people." Killua said. 

"Would you kill your own family?" She asked him. 

"Hah, probably." He answered. 

"Good, because me too." She nodded. Due to her laziness, Killua had to pull her up and drag her out of the theatre. 

"Your such a lazy ass." He said to her once they were out. "Anyways, what's next?" 

"Food, please. I'm so hungry I could eat you right now." (Y/n) said. Killua was suddenly afraid. 

"OKAY LETS GO!!" Killua grabbed her hand and dragged her away before she could munch on his kidneys. 

I'm probably gonna finish this book and then work on my other one. They're gonna be short books anyway so whatever.

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