Project 3: Time Flies

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Time, an odd thing, really. Time is nothing but something created to make sure humans didn't lose their minds, as they couldn't manage their days. Always confused by how it passed ever so slowly when you watched the minutes tick by, or how quickly when you played in the park, only to come home by dusk.

I've always wanted to grow up, constantly wishing to be a bit bigger and able to do what the older kids could. But now, I wish I was young again. Knocking on doors of my neighbors, to see if anyone wanted to play. Running through the streets, chasing each other and yelling tag when we caught up to someone running away. Hiding in bushes and behind big oak trees. Riding bikes while swerving past tiny pebbles and rocks that stood as the only obstacles in the way.

I used to hear the phrase, "Time flies," and was so disappointed when I realized, I couldn't stop it. I had to watch as the children I used to run around with, lock their doors and look the other way.

People change, time flies, stay as young as you can. You'll slowly lose pieces of your childhood and joys of doing what you can without a care. Cherish your youth, cherish your life. 


Well hello, there! How was this, feeling any nostalgia? Hope this touched your heart a bit, growing up is never easy. 

Any requests for poems or thoughts? What could I improve, my writing isn't perfect, so what do you like or dislike?

Something I've realized, is that if someone wants you to be in their life, they will put in the effort. All we can do is sit idly by as people move on with their lives, and us with ours. Keep smiling, in the end maybe you'll find the hope and love you've been waiting for. I wish you the best, keep reading, please comment! I love comments, they give me an insight to my audience :) 

Have a wonderful day, drink some water and eat some cookies. If you don't have those, I give some virtual cookies, freshly baked from the warmth of my computer! ;) bye angels!

From the Grandest Depths of My Heart :)Where stories live. Discover now