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"Jenna when we kissed did it mean something to you?" "Well...idk did it to you?" "Yeah...i just don't want it to be awkward between us you no...i mean I do have feelings for you." I said..then she said "Justin I-" she got cut off my phone ringing. "hey Jen I'm sorry I gotta take this it's from the doctor" "omg no worries go now it might be important about jason. I got up and went into the kitchen and answered the phone. "hey Dr.Wiz any news about Jason" "yes....actually some bad news...."

Recap over

Justin POV

Jenna and I was playing a board game..then I got a call from the doctor. I went into the kitchen to answer the call. "hey Dr.Wiz any news about Jason"
"yes....actually some bad news...."
"Doc..what is it" I said worried
"Well remember when I told you we think it was something funny going on that didn't normal in his lungs"
"Yes Dr. Wiz please tell what it is"
"Justin we found that Jason has..lung cancer"
I dropped the phone. I was in complete shock. I backed up against the wall and started balling my eyes out. I guess Jenna heard me crying because she came in the kitchen. "Justin hey let's finish playing--" she ran over to me and held me. my head was in her chest. "hey Justin..whats wrong" she said stroking my hair back. I managed to say something from crying. "Jenna I'm sorry...Jason has lung cancer"

Jenna POV

I went in the kitchen to find Justin crying. I ran over to him and held him. "hey Justin what's wrong" Justin finally said something. he said "Jenna I'm sorry...Jason has Lung Cancer" my eyes started watering. I put my hand under Justin's chin to lift his head up. I looked him in his eyes "are you serious" I said now crying.
"Yes..the doctor just told me" Justin said crying
I hugged Justin and he hugged me back. my head was in his shoulder. I was now crying even harder. why. why does this have to happen. "Justin he will be ok right?" He lifted my head up and said "Jenna I don't know..I hope so."
I got up and Justin was still in the kitchen. I went to grab my phone to text my parents that I'm ok and I'm staying over Zoey's tonight when I was really staying with Justin. He needed support and we both need each other. I mean that's gotta hurt to hear that you own brother had Cancer.....
I went back in the kitchen and found Justin. "why don't we take our showers and then watch a movie together and cuddle...lets be positive about this...not be sad...he will be fine we can go see him tomorrow." he agreed. I helped him up the stairs to his room. while he got his shower ready I went to find a movie to watch. After that I went to go to the other bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. my eyes were red, puffy. I looked horrible. I started to cry thinking of Jason. I wonder if the doctor told him. what stage was he? As I was crying I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turned around and saw it was Justin. I wrapped my arms around is shoulders and hugged him tight. "hey Jenna come on" he said. he picked me up bridal style into his room. He sat me on the bed and went over to his flat screen tv to pick a movie. I grabbed a soft blanket while wiping my tears away. after he picked the movie he came over to me. he climbed in bed next to me bring me into his chest. "what movie is this" I asked. he said "abduction" I smiled slightly. he kissed my forehead and said "I love you" I looked at him and said "I love you too"

Next morning

Still Jenna's POV♥️

Justin was asleep. we were going to go see Jason today so I got up to make breakfast. it was 11:30. I went downstairs. I made some eggs, toast, and bacon. As the bacon was cooking I poured some orange juice for Justin and I. as I was doing that the doorbell rung. I opened the door and it was Pattie (Jason and Justin mom). she quickly hugged me. I hugged her back. "did you hear the news about Jason." she said. "yeah...it was hard to take in" I said
"I'm sorry honey..wheres Justin" she said
"He's upstairs asleep..i was just making breakfast...would you like some" "sure" "ok I'll go get Justin up." I said
I jogged up the stairs. I went to brush my teeth before I got Justin up. after I was done I went back into the room. I jumped on top of Justin and yelled "GET YOUR ASS UP!!!" He mumbled then finally opened his eyes smiling.
"Some way of you telling me to get up" he said smirking "well you have to your mom is here" "ok" he said smiling. as I got off of him he pulled me back and said "forgetting something" "what" I said confused. he puckered his lips. I smiled and said "not with your morning breath" he laughed and said "whatever but I'll get it..when you least expect it" I smiled and said "we'll see about that" I said smirking. I went to get in the shower. after I was done I went back downstairs to see Pattie. she smiled and said "this food was good Jenna" "I smiled and said thanks. "hey tell Justin to call me and I'll be at the hospital with Jason ill see you guys their" "ok" I said hugging her. After Pattie left...Justin came downstairs. "Where's my mom" he said confused "she just left..and breakfast is in the microwave" he smiled and then came towards me and kissed me. "thank you" he said. I kissed him and said"no thank you" he laughed then ate his food. after he was done we went outside. "can I drive this time" I said "Are you serious" he said "yes..please you always drive...i do have a license you know" "fine but if you--" "yeah yeah I won't crash it"

After the car ride to the hospital we were finally here. we got out the car but while Justin was walking in I stopped. he came back near me and said "you ok" "I don't no if I can go in there" "look you will be fine do it for Jason and do it for me" he smiled. I smiled then intertwined our fingers. we walked in found his room number. we got to the room and saw Jason awake watching tv. "hey bro" he said

Jason POV

It's been a long time since I've seen Justin and Jenna. I missed them. especially Jenna. hey bro Justin said. hey guys I said. I wonder how they reacted to hearing the news about me. trust me when I first found out myself I was shocked but thought positive because I am going to beat this thing. the doctors told me I have stage 1. Jenna came near me and hugged me and kissed my cheek. I smiled. "how you holding up" she said trying not to cry. "well I'm fine and they said I have stage 1" "umm..wow" she said. "I've missed you Jenna" "I missed you to" she said. We both smiled then I looked at my brother Justin. "hey bro I missed you too" he smiled "missed you to you will beat this" we both smiled then he said "Jenna I'll give you too some alone time I'm going to go call my mom and scooter" "k" she said

Jenna POV

After Justin left Jason and I were just talking. "so you and Justin" he says "we're just really good friends" "mmhm" "what" I say "friends don't kiss" "we only kissed on the lips twice" I said lying "whatever you'd say.." "so they are giving you treatment" I say "yeah most likely I'll live because it's not bad right now" "good" "Jenna when I come home I want you to take care of me" "sure I will" I say smiling. he smiles while picking up my hand and kissing the top of it saying "thank you" "have you heard from the guys" "nope I'm going to go to your house to see them tomorrow" "cool let them no that I'm sorry and miss them" "I sure will" I say smiling.

1 hour later
After visiting Jason Justin and I went home because he said he has a surprise for me. "ok go get dressed in something pretty like your going to the Grammys there's girl stuff up there for you don't ask questions text me when your ready I gotta go" Justin said "Justin--" before that he left. I smiled and went to go get ready😌

I'll update soon


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