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Me and Justin reached the part when we have to kiss and we did, but got interupted by Seeing Jason Standing there. he said "WTF is going on here" I finally said "Jason it's not what it looks like I was helping Justin Prac-" I got cut off by Jason punching me.

Recap over,

Jenna's POV
It's been a week since the incident at the set with Jason. I have seen or talked to Jason. I hate him. I decided I needed some cheering up so I called Tim and zoey. We all decided to go to Starbucks and the park and meet up. I met up with them and we all went to Starbucks. Tim went to go get our drinks while I told Zoey everything.
"Soooo Jenna what's up with you and Jason, when's the wedding"
I laughed and said "first off there is no wedding and never will there be, second I have dirt about jason"
"Fine girly....SPILL"
"so I went to the set with justin and we went over the lines and there was a kissing scene, and Jason being a stalker found us and walked in on us kissing....then he got so mad he freakin punched me"
"First wow.....second wtf!!your my BestFriend for you I will slit his throat"
"Zoey chill but I would consider that"
She laughed and I said "but it's over I broke up with him"
"Wow...again...but what about the sexy beast justin"
"Ohhhh yeah he was there comforting me helping me he is amazing"
"Oooooo Jenna likes some justin"
Lmao "Zoey he is just a good friend"
"Whatever you say"
By that time Tim came back with our drinks.

Jason's POV
It's been a week since I've seen Jenna. It was killing me. I feel bad about me punching her. something just came over me when I saw her kissing my brother. I no it was for a movie but I can't help but to think that way. I've called her 15 times, texted her 20 times, heck I even tried email....still nothing. I decided I wasn't going to sit around all day no whimper....so me and the boys were going to go out later. I went downstairs and made myself lunch seeing Bruce and my brother (justin).

They both just looked at me a gave me a death look. I'm was guessing Bruce new about what I did to Jenna. while I was making my sandwich I saw they still were staring at me. "guys take a pic....it will last longer" Bruce just walked outside and Justin came in the kitchen.
"You need to go talk to Jenna and say your sorry"
"No it's clear she doesn't want me anymore and I'm wasting my breath"
"What is wrong with you....your being a jerk and now I can see why she doesn't want you"
"Take that back"
"No...your acting 3 and your 19 man grow up and do what you need to do before you see Jenna with someone else and all your going to do is cry, not eat, or sleep"
I was getting anger but he was right...I'm going to try and fix things with Jenna even if it takes doing something that will embarrass me. I decided I was going to sneak into her room to see her in person to hopefully make things right between us.

Jenna POV
After the catch with Zoey and Tim I decided to call Justin.
"Hey Justin you bussy"
"Hey Jenna... and no I'm leaving my brothers house headed to the studio...wanna come"
"Sure I'd love to"
"K...omw..see you soon"
"K bye"
Then the call ended. After I went to brush my teeth because I had coffee breath from Starbucks. then I went down stairs to see my parents making lunch.
"Hey sweetie"
"Hey guys...so dad I have news that might make you smile"
"What's up"
"Ok so that "EX" boyfriend of mine is no longer in my life"
"O my gosh Jenna Jason died!!"
"Dad!! No we broke up"
"O" he said upset
"I thought you would be jumping out your socks."
"Well I would've if what I said first was true"
"Dad first that's mean..second he isn't dead"
After that I saw Justin outside in his Ferrari. I told my parents by and got in the car.
"Hey jen"
"Hey jay"
"Haha nicknames I see" he said
"Haha yep..lets go"
*at the studio*
Justin POV
I went to pick Jenna up we were going to the studio. I was happy because my mom and scooter was going to be there which is a good time for her to meet them. we got to the studio in no time. I got out and went to Jenna's side and opened the door for her she smiled and said thanks such a gentlemen. I smiled and "i try" we got in the studio and I showed her my songs.
"justin can you do a little performance for me"
"umm really"
"yeah please....surprise me with a song"
"well ok"
She sat in the spinning chair and I pulled a stool up and grabbed my guitar. Then i started singing.

Oh oh, just as sure as the stars in the sky
I need you to shine in my life
Not just for the meanwhile, for a long long time
Better believe it

Oh oh, whenever you're not in my presence
It feels like I'm missing my blessings, yeah
So I sleep through the daylight, stay awake all night
'Til you're back again, oh yeah, yeah

You think I'm biased
To my significant other
You hit it right on the head
Only been missing my lover
Got a whole lotta texts in my phone and I don't reply
The next eight bars tell you why

You're all that matters to me, yeah, yeah,
Ain't worried about nobody else
If it ain't you, I ain't myself
You make me complete

You're all that matters to me, yeah, yeah,
What's a king bed without a queen
There ain't no "I" in team
You make me complete
You're all that matters to me

Take the gas out the car it won't drive
That's how I feel when you're not by my side
When I wake up in the morning up under you, and only you

Oh oh, grateful for your existence
Faithful no matter the distance
You're the only girl I see
From the bottom of my heart, please believe

You're all that matters to me, yeah, yeah
Ain't worried about nobody else
If it ain't you, I ain't myself
You make me complete
You're all that matters to me, yeah, yeah
What's a king bed without a queen
There ain't no "I" in team
You make me complete
You're all that matters to me

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
You're all that matters to me
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
You're all that matters to me

When I finished I saw Jenna crying. I quickly put my guitar down and grabbed Jenna on my lap. "Hey what's wrong" I said putting the hair behind her ear.
"That song was beautiful"
"Aww thanks it's called "all that matters" Jenna but don't cry"
"Ik I'm such a crybaby I'm sorry"
"It's ok it's cute when you cry"
"Haha thanks ig"
That's when my mom walked in on her phone saying "justin...scooter....she stopped talking when she looked up at Jenna and I.
Jenna POV
After my breakdown a woman walked in talking to Justin saying "Justin...scooter..." then she stopped talking when she saw Justin and I.
"Justin you didn't tell me you had a NEW girlfriend." I quickly hopped Justin's Lap and said "ms you've got it all wrong see I'm not his girlfriend" then Justin said "yeah mom and I'm not her boyfriend."
"Oh I'm sorry your his mom...umm I'm Jenna a friend of your sons."
"Honey it's ok, I'm his mother pattie"
then Justin spoke "well good you guys met..but mom what did scooter want."
"Oh yeah..scooter wants you in his office to talk about the JOURNALS album"
"umm ok...Jenna do you mind hanging with my mom for a bit"
"Sure love to get to no her"
"Thanks" he said kissing my cheek then leaving.

After Justin left I think my cheeks were red from him kissing it. then patties broke the silence and said "haven't seen my son this happy since his last girlfriend Selena."
"Well that's good..so Pattie lets get to each other"
She smiled and agreed. after 2 hours me and patties had a good time then Justin came in. "good thing you guys are having fun, but mom I gotta get Jenna home"
"Well ok nice meeting you sweetie"
I smiled "you to"
Than me and Justin left.
In the car
"So I see you and my mom really hit it off"
"Yeah she's cool"
"What did you talk about"
"Well girl stuff, jason, you"
"Yeah" I said
"Well what about me"
"Well technically Selena and you"
Justin just looked at me then back at the road. The rest of the ride was silent.
We finally reached my house. before I could get out Justin closed the door back...
"Jenna I'm sorry....i just don't like bringing up selena"
"It's ok jay...i understand"
"Yeah...she just really hurt me" he said looking down
i chinned up his head and said "hey...its ok don't let that one girl bring you down...I was hurt to...by Jason..I'm here if you need me"
He slowly leaned in and kissed me. I was surprised at first but then I kissed back. our lips moved in sync. I let out a moan. Justin started to pull my shirt up...but I stopped him.
"We have to stop"
"Why" he said
"Because we are just both hurting right now and we need the pain to go away...and this isn't the way and isn't going to solve anything"
"Your right"he said
"I got to go thanks for the ride home"
"No problem"
I got out the car. as I was walking away I stopped and turned around waving my hand at Justin signaling him to roll down the window. He rolled down the window. "by the way...even though it was wrong to do...I liked it"
He smirked and laughed "I'll call you tomorrow" he said
"K bye"
I unlocked the door...making my way to my room. I opened my room door and saw JASON. At that point I was just confused because I just got done kissing the boy I think I love then now seeing the boy that I hate but still love...too confused

Hope you guys enjoyed💙 I'll update soon

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