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Shit! I was suppose to meet Justin's family tomorrow.

"Mom ca-can I take a rain check..I kind of was suppose to meet Justin family"

"What's up with you and that boy anyway"

"He is my boyfriend and I want you to officially meet him next week so can I please take a rain check"

"Hmmm...fine but you will see your aunt after your done visiting his family"

"Fine deal"

I went upstairs to shower. before I got in I heard my parents yell from down stairs saying "honey we will be back going to pick up some food for tomorrow"

OK!!! I Yelled

After my shower I put on some pajama shorts and a shirt. I put my phone in my pocket just incase Justin called. I went downstairs and decided to watch tv. as I was watching tv the lights went out and the tv shut off.
Shit..whats the problem now. I got up to go in the basement to check the box to see it was shut off. I click it back on. the lights are on. I guess I fixed it because I heard the tv upstairs. I turned around saw a person. before I could run they hit me in the head with something. soon everything thing went black...

|Recap over|

Jenna's POV

I woke up in the morning in a cold atmosphere that had a bad smell. My head hurt like hell. I felt myself against a wall hung up. My hands and feet where tied up attached to the wall. I opened my eyes and saw I was in what looked like an empty dark room. I started to cry. this made me think back to the time Jason kidnapped me. who would do this? "HELP!!!!" "Anybody...please!!" I yelled while crying. "shut up bitch" who was that? "Who ever you are please help me" I then heard and saw what looked like a man coming towards me. he turned on the light. I had no idea who he was but he liked like he was in his 40's. "who are you, and why am I here?!!"
"Look keep your voice down slut I-"
He was cut off by a door opening. it was a girl wearing all black with a all white mask and some heels on that said "look jimmy you can go I'll take it from here" with that "jimmy" left leaving me and this stranger alone. "look I don't know what I've done but why am I here" I cried. She took off her mask and I couldn't believe it was her!!
"Sarah???...what the hell is going on!!why are you doing this"

"Look shut the fuck..and the only reason your here is because you have something that I want or should I say someone or people."

"What are you talking about" I said

She came to me and punched me and kneed me in the stomach. Blood came out my mouth. "don't play fucking dumb. I want Jason back and I want your prince charming you call Justin and money that Jason owes me"

I coughed barley getting my words out
"What money" I said spitting out blood

"It's business honey...I use to work with Jason..in a gang that's how we got in a relationship and we had a deal with another gang involving drugs and I took a risk for Jason to get them because he said he would pay me and I got caught and went to jail for 10 years. when I got out I decided to see what Jason was doing to get what I wanted so I came to his house that day I met you. stuff went down after he kicked me out and yeah I had the baby but gave it up because it was too much going on...(read previous chapters for Sarah and the whole baby thing to make since) too much danger but enough of that I want what's mine and if I don't get it I will make your life a living hell and everyone that's in it" she said with a smirk

I was speechless "what does this have to do with me I'm not with Jason anymore bitch" I yelled!!

She kicked me in the stomach again.
"Bitch don't get smart with me..by me kidnapping you...that would make everyone budge to come after you and for me to get what I want. people would start to think and look for you like MIKE, BRUCE, TOM, WILL, JASON, AND JUSTIN."

Kidnapped (Jason McCain)Where stories live. Discover now