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Recap from chapter 10

Please read the last chapter in order for this chapter to make sense.



He grabbed the door open and asked me question

"Did you do something different to your hair"

"Ummm no I didn't" I said sarcastically

We laughed then he said "I like it"😘

We got in the car and was off to good night I hope. I looked at my phone and got a text from Tom saying

"You guys have fun...and be safe if you no what I mean"😂

I texted back saying "got it😉"

"So can you pretty please tell me were we are going now" Jenna asked whining

"Nope it's a surprise"

"Fine" she said with a sad face

"Now don't be that way I got another surprise to"

"Oh really what"

As I was driving I reached in the backseat struggling to find it then I finally found it and them I heard Jenna scream saying

"Jason look out"

Then all of sudden "BOOM" and crash!!!!😱😪😥

~Recap over~


I slowly awaken, opening my eyes. everything was blurry and then it adjusted. I noticed I was in a hospital bead. my head hurt like hell. then a lady,( most likely a nurse) came in.

"Excuse me why am here, where's Jason , my-my parents" I yelled

"Just calm down I'll get your doctor"

Then a man came in.

"Ma. Waters your awake"

"Yeah I know that"i yelled

"Why am I here?"

"Ms. Waters you were In a car accident, and a women found you and Jason and she called 911 and we saw you with a injury in your head a very serious one, along with a broken leg your lucky you weren't killed"

In my head I'm thinking what the hell! then I see my leg in a full cast. I just start to cry.

"We're my parents"

"There in the waiting room...we contacted them, we found there number in your files..would you like to see them?''


5 minutes later my mom, dad, and brother walk in. im so happy to see them. my brother quickly hugs me first.

"Careful my mom said to MIKE while crying"

"I'm sorry Jenna so sorry" my brother Mike says.

"Mike why are sorry"

"I wasn't there for you...none of this would not have happened if it wasn't for me"

In my head I'm thinking yeah Mike your right none of this would have happened if you just would've picked me up that night..none of this. I'm still crying saying

"It's ok Mike I miss you..i miss you mom and dad"

"Sweety we're sorry to for leaving you..''

"Where's JASON''

"Honey who's JASON" my parents ask

I explained to them what happened, the kidnapping, and JASON, everything. My dad was heated, he wanted to kill him! My mom was shocked but noticed that I really cared for Jason even though we weren't together.

"That's it you can't never see him again'' my dad said

I was still crying and yelled ''dad no..you can't do that he had changed he doesn't hit me anymore I swear...i won't listen to you..i-I- love him..''

I can't believed what I just said but i know it was true and I had to see him.

"My dad was silent and walked out of the room angry'' my mom went to go find him and talk to him.

After that moment I managed to get in my wheelchair slowly and wheel myself to the front desk .

"Excuse me. Ms. Waters you can't be out of bed."

"I know I just need to see someone, do you have a guy here named Jason McCain"

"He's in room 206"

I wheeled myself in to his room and found him sleep with a bandage around his head and nose, and hooked up too many wires. I started to cry. I went over to his bed and grabbed his hand. then he slowly started to open his eyes along with a tear falling down his face.

"Je-je-na he said slowly"

"I'm right here"

"I'm so sorry"

"I'm sorry too"

"For what" he said

"Idk I just feel like I am..but I don't remember what happened" I said

He explained just like the doctor but also explained he part when the truck hit my side but at the of the head lights of the car. that explains the broken leg. I was lucky because I would've. Died if it hit my door. thinking about all this made me cry even harder.

J= Jenna JM= Jason

JM: we will get through this

J : Ik but I think I need to go back with my dad that was so hard for me too say

JM: what no no no! don't ...please don't

J: Jason I- he cut me off

JM: Jenna I've been meaning to tell you this but I didn't no how, you might not remember that night but I do I taking you to a dinner on the beach, and I also had a neck less for you, in the back of the car I was going to ask you to be mine because I love you..

J: I love you too Jason that's why I told my dad I didn't want to leave...idk what he's going to do or what his decision is.

He totally ignored the fact that idk no what my dad will do he just said

JM: you love me too...so can you forgive me about the past..

J: I already have...i kissed his hand and we both smiled. idk what's going to happen from here.

JM: Jenna...we both look like shit

We both laughed but it was true. in the middle of us Laughing my dad came in the room.

Jenna come honey we need to talk.

I wondered what it could be about but if it was about Jason I'm not leaving That's final...😌

My dad wheeled me out of the room and then told me that I could still see JASON and be together I guess but that I was going to be going home. telling JASON that would be the hardest thing but it's going to happen. my parents gave me some time to talk to JASON, so I wheeled myself back into his room to find police in there!

"What's going on" I said

Then a policeman said

"Ms. Waters we were under the impression that this boy kidnapped you"

i looked at Jason he looked worried but also telling me to lie.

I said "no and under the impression who told you I was kidnapped..which I'm not" I said lying

"A girl by the name of sarah..sarah green" (Sarah is Jason's girlfriend in the previous chapter)

Me and Jason looked at each other. I could tell he was mad.

The only thing that was on my mind...was well nothing.....

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