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Jenna Waters

I woke up in fear..but then again feeling my head, it was hurting like hell..I don't remember what happen but I certainly know I'm not at home.

I feel the atmosphere...its cold. I manage to open my eyes. it's freaking dark. I can't see shit. I feel around the room. there's nothing around me. all I could do is scream!

"Help, help, please anyone"

After a while I realized that no one was coming so I cry myself to sleep, as I was on my way asleep I saw light, it came from someone opening a door, coming downstairs, that's when I realized I was in the basement. Then I heard a voice of the so called mystery person saying,

"I know your not asleep so get your ass up"

I responded and said "who are you"?

Then the person cut on the light bulb and when it cut on I looked up at the persons face..it was JASON McCAIN! I gave the bastard a death stare, because I should've know something was up from how he looked at me in the office at school.

"No need to act that way babe.."

"Don't fucking talk to me just leave me alone and let me go fucker...help someone please help me!!!"

I could tell he was anger but I didn't care he deserved ever benefit of the doubt. He slowly came up to me and punched me in the face. I fell to the ground in pain..crying. I felt my jaw in pain knowing it was bruised it hurt like hell!

He grabbed me by my pink shirt saying "this is what happens to little sluts like you Jenna!"

How did he know my name?

"Get up and follow me"

I didn't get up. I didn't even bother to move.

"Get the hell up or I'll just drag you!" he yelled.

I managed to get up and follow him. I arrived up stairs seeing a view of a beautiful mansion(inside).

"Meet my gang"

Bruce, Will, Toby, and Mike.

After he said Mike I immediately started to cry. Even though my brother is annoying at the very moment I miss and wish he was here to save me.

"Why you crying Jenna"said Bruce.

"I just miss my brother Mike and wish he was here to get me" I said as I was wiping my tears, but I must have wiped to hard because I wiped my face where Jason punched and it made me cry even more.

"Well guess what Jenna your not seeing your brother ever again so suck it up before you get punished again..your mine and will always be mine FOREVER" said Jason

"Jason calm down and lay off, she's hurting right now and I feel guilty for helping you do this shit!" Said Bruce

"Bruce stfu your not in this A and B conversation so fuck off!"

After that it was silent. Jason finally spoke and said something.

"Are you hungry Jenna?"

I wanted to say no, because I wanted nothing from him, but I was hungry so I answered him nodding my head.

I ate some pasta salad. It was actually pretty damn good. After I was done I said.. "Jason please just let me go, I miss my family, please I'll do anything if you want sex I'll give it to you anything just let me go I don't want to be here you fucking bastard!" I yelled. before he answered, I was just thinking "why did he choose me..why me"

He slapped me across my face the threw me over his back. I was kicking and screaming while looking at the boys. they all looked worried and felt bad for me. JASON open the basement door then threw me down there..

"Good..jenna u pissed me off again your not leaving me your fucking mine so say goodbye to your family in your head bitch!" after that he locked the door. I cried myself to sleep. it was cold, Lonely, dark, and silent.

Kidnapped (Jason McCain)Where stories live. Discover now