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I felt that Jason should know the truth. After we came back from the movies Sarah went upstairs to change and just me and Jason where down stairs.

"So Jenna has anything happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like...strange things Sarah and you good"

"Yeah.... but Jason I think you should no that Sarah- Sarah interrupted by coming down stairs saying

"Jason come to bed...lets cuddle...I miss you"

"Ok Sarah I'll be right up, what did you want to tell me Jenna?"

"Oh Huhh...I was going to say that you and Sarah look really good together" I said with guilt and hurt on my face, but ig you could say I did that because idk if I like Jason he's attractive but we will have to see.

"Jenna no we don't, don't even say that I'm going to break that up soon"

"Jason don't if you love her..do what your heart tells you."

"Jenna I am...my heart is telling me that I want..you not her"





I woke up early because I couldn't sleep so I went downstairs and plotted myself on the couch and started watching sponge bob (don't judge me)😂

Then I turned around to see Sarah coming down stairs on the phone"babe I'm on my way" I guess she didn't know I was the couch then she walked out the door. then I saw Jason come down stairs.

"Hey you seen Sarah"

"Morning and yeah she just left but Jason I have to tell you something come sit"

"What's up are u ok"

"Ok so you trust me"

"Of course wtf is it Jenna"

"Ok when Sarah left I heard her on the phone saying I'm on my way babe and when she first came here she said IDKKK what they say I love you Mike and you know that just don't tell anyone ok, I'm not even sure yet if I'm pregnant to Mike."

"Wtf!! Jenna why didn't you tell me"

"I was going to but this was after you told me to play along and I thought you would be mad at me"

"Never will I be mad at you Jenna" he said kissing my forehead.

I leaned into his chest laying on him. I don't know what's wrong with me but I think I might actually like him. then we both quickly got up when we heard the door open. there was standing sarah!

"Wtf! Jason what are you doing with this bitch"

"Look it's not even like that Sarah..as a matter a fact it is I know what's going on between you and Mike and your fucking pregnant how could you betray me like that"

"Look Jason I'm sorry but I just didn't love you like that anymore and yes I am pregnant I'm sorry"

"Sorry doesn't cut it get out bitch where done"

"Jason u can't kick me out I live here with Mike"

"Well I just did" and he slammed the door in her face.

"It's done"

"Yeah I guess it is"

"So what now"..jason said😶

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