Square one

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Song of the chapter... Feel me by Selena Gomez

Christmas holiday was fun, I hangout with my family for the one week I had left to spend with them. The final year students and Jss3 students had to resume back earlier due to the preparation for final exams.

It is called "Ss3 extension".

I had a photoshoot with the magazine my mum was talking about. It was stressful, tedious yet interesting. It got my mind off couple of things, like you know who.

I had ignored them ever since they started parading themselves around social media, it got worse when we resumed, they were everywhere, it was like he was trying to rub it on my face.

What was he trying to prove?

On the brighter side, the photoshoot was successful, it was cover for a teenage magazine. I gained more followers on Instagram and across all my social media accounts due to one cover magazine, one!

They are looking forward to work more with me again but that will have to wait cause I still got my education to take care of. It is not like I want to be a model really, i just see it as fun and to occupy my time.

I look up from my food as someone slammed a tray on our table. Adeola was mumbling a few words under her breathe glaring at a particular table.

"Hmph! So pathetic" she rolled her eyes, taking a seat beside Femi.

Shocker right? Ever since we resumed, she as being sitting at our table. I don't really know what happened between her and Henrietta and am not going to lie, i want to know.

She refused to tell us a thing.

"Are you okay?" I asked curiously.

"Am not okay... Fake people everywhere, displaying acute stupidity and arrant idiocy" Femi choked on his water at her words.

"Calm down girl, where is all this anger coming from?" I  asked sounding amused.

"Am sorry, if you find my words ambiguous" she said with a blush when she realized Femi was staring at her in a funny manner.

"Not to be rude or anything, we should have asked you this question before now but since no one is talking, i will talk. Why are you sitting with us?" Tomi asked with total confusion written on her face.

"I switched side, I realized my friendship with her was toxic" she shrugged referring to the female who was currently sitting on Shubomi thighs.

That seems to be her favourite position nowadays .

"About damn time... " Femi said eating up his rice.

"Why?" I asked.

"We have issues, a lot of issues and I don't think we will be able to resolve it, besides, i had come to realize she is always pushing me around, i never had a say in our friendship, she doesn't care about my opinion but that changed when I started hanging out with you guys" she smiled while I smile back, she turns to Tomi "and I will like to call a truce with you Tomi, am not your enemy, i know I didn't stand up to Henrietta whenever she bullied you but I promise that is going to change, can we start as friends?" She brings out her right hand for an handshake.

Tomi stared at the hand, then at Femi and I. With a nod of our heads, she shook the hand, calling a truce.

"What about me, am i not your friend?" Femi teased.

"You-you a-are" Tomi and I giggled at her funny expression as she stammered.

"Am just joking... Relax, babe" Femi said saving her from further embarrassment, we laughed as he joked.

I looked around the dining hall which was filled with Ss3 and Jss3 students. Everyone was busy having one conversation or another. It seems everyone noticed the shift considering Adeola was sitting with us instead of her friends.

Speaking of friends, the Elite do not look pleased with the couple , it seems the mere sight pisses them off. My eyes runs through the table and surprisingly I found him staring at me.

We locked eyes, staring at each other, his eyes gave nothing off. He looked away as soon as Henrietta whispered something into his ear.

Guess we are back to square one...

"You are the most stupid male I ever had a chance of meeting" Prince whispered from beside me as the mathematics teacher works out the equation on the board, his voice booming and carrying everyone along.

"Am not stupid"

"Then you must be a fool" I glared at him while he did the same.

"I will fuc*ing punch you"

"Try it... Maa fii ori ade shepe fun e"

I sigh, sitting back on my seat. There he goes again, threatening me with his position and authority as a prince, God knows what will happen if he ascends the throne.

"Pay attention to the teacher" he narrowed his eyes at me before turning to the board.

My friends had been on my neck ever since my fight with Teni and they are taking her side on this which was really weird and downright crazy. Even Tokunbo, my right hand man was not supporting me on this one.

The crux of the whole matter was my new affiliation with Henrietta, i won't call it a relationship, I don't even know what to do to her, am bored already.

Why did I call her in the first place?

My eyes rest on the female that has caused so much emotions to spur in me lately. She was busy with her calculator, following the maths teacher closely as she jots some things down.

I watch in fascination as she chew her plump lower lips,  her eyebrows furrowed in confusion which I find really cute. She turns to Tomi who was beside her turning her note to the girl.

I watch as Tomi stared at her note for a while before nodding her head. A smile flew up her lips as she returns her attention to the teacher.

She does not even know what she was doing to me.

The class ended early. For extension we only offer our main subjects. The school was a little bit quiet due to only two set of students being in school.

I sat under a tree with my friends as we enjoy the quietness and breeze under the tree getting a good view of the students walking around.

I saw her again as she came out of class with Tomi, Adeola joined them as the three girls walked towards the school shop.

Am amazed.

My friends talked among themselves but I ignore them, my eyes followed her as she gets what she needs.

My nose flared as the slimy Corper Ubong called her to wait.

Tomi and Adeola wait behind looking wary of the idiot as they both conversed.

Even from the look on Teni's face, i can tell she was uncomfortable, i pursed my lips as she discreetly avoid his preying hand.

"Calm down, you look like a puffed and angry dragon" Tokunbo teased me.

"Seriously, that is not funny... "

"I thought you don't want her" he chuckled quietly "you better get your priorities straight, there are lots of main guys out there who are ready to kiss the ground she walks on"

"I never said am not interested in her again, am giving her time like she proposed" I defended.

"You sure do have a horrible way of sending signals, bro... Get your priorities straight"

I look at her again, for the first time in my life, i don't know what to do.

Translation :

Maa fii ori ade shepe fun e: I will curse you with my crown.

What do you think is gonna happen next?  😨 😨

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