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Song of the chapter... Human by Christina Perri

His shocked expression said it all, he was not expecting those words from me, even I myself don't know why I said it but something pushed me to follow him.

Something tells me he will need someone in wherever he was heading to.

Lost in thought on what could have happened, i find myself standing beside him by the roadside in front of the school gate as we waited  for the Uber he ordered.

I already asked for permission from the secretary who was a good friend of mine, telling her something came up, in case we don't come back on time tonight.

I hear his sigh again, looking left and right, folding his arms in front of chest, tapping his left foot on the ground looking worried.

Am not going to ask him again since he had refused to give me a valid answer, am going to find out on my own. The Uber man rolled in with his cab, Shubbie opens the back door for me, a sign for me to get in which I did and he followed suit.

Another problem was the Lagos traffic, today is a Friday and knowing everyone will be going back home, it can be pretty hectic. I just hope that where ever we are going isn't too far.

My hopes were dashed as we spent almost or more than two hours in traffic before we could get to the island. There was no one to talk to as Shubbie was mute all through the ride lost in thought, the only thing that made me believe that he was with me was when he kept playing with my fingers at intervals.

Finally, the car stopped and I was shocked at where we were.

An hospital?

Why are we at an hospital?

Who is not feeling well?

Different feelings ran through my mind as I also suddenly felt nervous. I hate hospitals!

I took Shubbie outstretched hands as he pull me along into the hospital, we passed through different halls, people before we finally got to a ward that looks more upgraded and expensive.

He greets a nurse as they had a quiet discussion,  I looked around curiously still holding onto his hand.

"Enitan" I turn to meet his eyes which looks so sullen.

"Shubomi" I acknowledged him.

"What am about to show you is a part of me that I never shared with anyone expect my friends, don't let what you are about to see disturb you, okay?"

I gulp.

"Okay" I whispered out. His eyes searches my face for a while before nodding his head in approval.

He walks toward a white colored door as I follow, he grab unto the handle before giving it a slight push,on entering I was welcomed by the super clean air that was indicated by the smell of antiseptic products and cleaning agents.

I hate that scent.

I gasp as my eyes fell on the sight in front of me. I stay rooted in my spot looking and feeling shaken.

On the hospital bed lies Shubomi's mother, Mrs Cole. My eyes goes through her pale form which was attached to a big machine, I watch the IV inserted into her wrist, first a blood bag then the other one looks like water. Her eyes close as she breathes gently. 

Her son placed a delicate kiss on her forehead, her eyes opens, she looks around as if sensing him, a smile spreads on her face bringing life to her cheeks.

"Olashubomi oko mii" she said, her voice shaky as she tries to sit up, he quickly came to her aid.

"Maami... E ro raa.. Ba wo lara yin?" He asked softly.

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