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"It's the end of the year photograph, please look good. It's going to be there forever, they way you stand, pose or sit is the way you will meet yourself o" Adeolu voice rang out again as he tells more like instructs his mates as they wait patiently for the photographer and his assistants to set up their gadgets and equipments.

They were rounding up in their final exams, just a paper to go. The school photographer was invited to take the picture for the yearbook for the whole school. The final year students were the first to have their own photoshoot.

They were all dressed in their school uniform, looking all neat, prim and proper. The students all looked regal in the white, blue and red uniform.

The background was set for the photoshoot, the props and lights were all ready.

They were set!

"Your tie looks crooked" Teni pointed out as she straightens Shubbie's tie. He only shrugged not seeing it as very important. They both stood side by side in the company of their friends, waiting patiently to be called upon to have their photo session.

"We should all take a group picture" Adeola suddenly suggested.

"And why is that necessary?" Folahami asked looking up from the sample magazine he has been staring at for a while now.

"For personal purpose I guess.. As souvenirs" she shrugged.

"This should be easy for Teni" Femi points out, a smirk playing on his lips.

Femi chooses to hangout with us today, he has been doing that for a while now. It is good that him and Shubbie had come to a level of understanding. It is refreshing.

"How is this easy?"

"You were on the cover of a magazine, right?" The others hummed in approval while I mental face palm myself.

"It was nothing guys... I was simply bored then I was offered the contract "

"Then you gracefully graced the magazine. Some girls will die to be in an article of a magazine not to talk of being the face!" Adeola exclaimed.

"Well.. Am not like other girls" I said but then rolled my eyes as Shubbie hummed in approval.

"Speaking of not being like other girls, have you seen Aishat make up?" Prince interrupted our conversation.

"Who is Aishat?" Tomi asked the same question that must have been on everyone's mind.

"The girl that follows Virus around" we all chuckled at his statement.

"You mean Meenah, her name is Amina" Tokunbo corrected.

"What is the difference? Aishat, Amina.. Sounds the same to me" his twin face palmed herself, already fed up with her brother's dumbness.

"Don't give up on him, okay?" I advised her while she only shook her head.

I really do pity his future subjects.

My ears caught onto what they were saying, something about Henrietta getting around like always.

"You shouldn't have slept with her" the all fell quiet, knowing who I was addressing.

"She wouldn't leave me alone" he defended himself "a man has needs, he needs to fulfill"

A smirk played on his lips after those words, I hear Prince slightly cough.

Needs uhn?

We see about that you horny bastard!

"In that case, it won't be bad if I fulfill my needs" his smirk fell at my words knowing the direction it was going "I mean, i have needs to... Maybe I should take Corper's proposal_"

The Final Year (vol 1)Where stories live. Discover now