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It was Friday night, which was the end of the week, Teni and Tomi were both outside one of the school pavilion talking about what happened in the hall yesterday.

After the aftermath, the news as been on everyone's lip, this normally happens but the perpetrating students rarely gets caught cause they are always careful.

"What are they going to tell their parents once they get home?" I asked Tomi since we sat facing each other.

"The truth na" I arched an eyebrow "they were caught having sex so they are going to tell them that" I chuckled.

"My mum will kill me before disowning me" I exaggerated.

"Same here baby girl.. "

In African culture, sex is a prohibited topic especially for the females. It is highly forbidden for a girl to talk about it or perform the act before marriage. You are to remain a virgin till your wedding night.

My mother always instill this in my mind and head, always beseeching me to keep myself till i get married, she added bible quotes like always and told me the advantages of keeping myself as well as disadvantages of not.

Nowadays, things are not done that way anymore due to 'civilization'.

I bop my head slightly at the quiet music played by someone in the pavilion. It was so faint but i know the feminine voice of 'Simi ' anywhere. 'Ayo' played on as i lip sing.

The person needs to be careful though, it is prohibited to play a song on our tab even though it was given to us by the school.

I smile when i recalled how i took the news of our test results. My result was good, in fact splendid. I left most of teachers shock and amazed, even the evil V. P academics seems to warming up to me.

What left me in shock was the maths test results, i did incredibly well, guess extra lessons with Tomi paid off. The girl is a genius! A freaking one!

"Did you hear of the ss1 girl?" Tomi asked suddenly cutting my train of thoughts.

"Which ss1 girl? What happened to her?" I asked curiously as she cleared her throat shifting a little closer as she lowers her voice.

"I heard this on Saturday when i was out in the compound drying my clothes, this conversation happened before our excursion... I overheard some girls living in Las Vegas hostel talking about a girl who was sexually assaulted"

I gasped, my hands flew to cover my opened mouth as my eyes widen in horror.

"Oh my God! How did this happen?!" She hushed me as students stared at us in confusion due to my loud outburst.

"Can you keep it down? It was suppose to be secret" she glared at me. "I overheard the news"

"How was it suppose to be secret?! A crime was committed against her!" I whisper yelled.

"I don't know why" she said calmly.

"When did this happen?" I questioned.

"I don't know but according to my calculations and what i overheard from the girls, this happened at the party that was hosted weeks ago"

I sigh, perks of attending night parties.

"Do you know the girl?" Her eyes widen at the question.

" Is something stuck in your ear? Or you don't understand the whole narrative i just laid down? I overheard the story, am not sure if it is real or a rumor! Besides, what do you want to do to the girl if you happened to know her?" She asked.

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