B. D. T

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A pic of what the head boy looks like... ❤❤ Toks

Shubomi really knows his way around this school. It was like the dinner we had yesterday never happened.

Nobody knew about it or let's say they knew about it but refuse to talk. Tomi said they can never find out because she was sure he must have made sure no one walked through or use the the Ss3 block not to talk of seeing us. I don't really know how he did it.

The only person who knows about it is Tomi who as sworn herself into secrecy in which i don't know why, it's not like we did something illegal, we only ate, she could be dramatic a times. Maybe he told his friends, who knows.

Tomi was really surprised when i told her about the dinner, she kept doubting me until i showed her the exhibit, the apples and Oreos. We devoured it this morning before stepping out of the hostel. And when i mean we... the four of us living in the room.

Right now, the teaching staffs are having a meeting with the principal so we have a free period. My able class captain, Kesiiena was personally entertaining Tomi and i.

"You are my newest wife, my dear" he insisted as i shake my head in amusement.

"Never!" I poke out my tongue.

"Why?" He cried out "listen am the 'Baale', 'Bashorun' of this entire class and all the beautiful girls in this class are my wives. So therefore, mo gbe ese le e"

I laughed at his theory. This guy is so funny.

"You are funny, you know that right?"

"Am serious.. Ask Tomi, she is my second wife and_"

"Ehn en.. I have told you not to add me among your chain of wives o" Tomi protested as he dramatically placed his hand over his chest looking hurt.

"Tomi, are you really denying me?"

I watch them bicker back and forth. Meet Kesiiena, the class captain. So friendly and jovial with everyone. He has a carefree spirit and so accommodating.

He his dark, not really tall and has a average look, his signature haircut is the Afro, which is always neat and tidy.

He may be of the average look but his behavior and brain completes it. He is the male library prefect as well as class captain, the class comedian, he takes it as his job to keep people happy.

You can't leave his presence without laughing out your sorrow. Everybody loves the guy, even the teachers. He has a cordial relationship with the elites.

Kesiiena is a Niger Delta boy, but he lived almost all his life in Lagos, he goes home from time to time. He speaks his language, Yoruba and pidgin fluently. He may be comical but he his serious when he wants to be.

I was still listening to their argument as he tries to hug Tomi in which she keeps pushing him away when i heard noise from my other classmates.

A guy walked in as they hailed him, he was lean with a small stature and an oblong head. He let's out a smile full of mischief as my classmates kept on chanting the phrase 'B. D. T'

"B. D. T?" Who is he? I asked myself and as if reading my mind, Kesiiena spoke up.

"That is Henry aka B. D. T"

"What is the meaning of that?"

"Big Daddy Thief" he said as i raised my eyebrows in surprise at the strange name.

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