46- Tired

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You flopped on your bed with a sigh, today had been really stressful. You had so much work to do that you had to bring some home with you. All you wanted to do was take a nap but you knew you couldn't.

You decided to just get the work over with so you could rest without worrying about it. About an hour and a half later, you were done and you let out a breath of relief. You knew you would never bring work home again.

Just as you were about you make you way upstairs and into your comfy bed, the door opened and Shawn walked in with a smile on his face and looking handsome as ever.

"Hey baby, how are you?" He asked, placing a soft kiss on your lips.

"Tired," You answered with a grumble.

"Want me to run you a bath?" He asked and you nodded, excitedly.

As you followeed him to the bathroom, you had a bounce in your step but that was only because you loved taking baths. And he, of course, knew that.

You sat on the toilet and watched as he added the bath bomb and the water started fizzing. That was one of your favorite parts of taking a bath.

You sank into the lilac colored water with a sigh as the scent of lavender filled your nostrils. You could feel your self beginning to calm down and you thanked him.

"How was your day?" You asked him once you were relaxed.

"It was great. We recorded a few songs today and we're making a music video tomorrow," He said, happily.

"Do I get to hear any of those songs?"

"Maybe..." He said, with a sneaky grin.

"I better hear at least one," You said, throwing some bubbles at him.


You laughed at his shocked expression and urged him to join you in the bath. He obliged and soon you were throwing bubbles at each other and laughing. All thoughts of your terrible day had escaped your head.

🐤 🎀 ♡ 🎀 🐤

hi :))

im almost done writting this book

im literally on the last imagine!!

im gonna do a why dont we imagine book incase u didn't know hehe

n e wayss recommended song isss

small talk by niall horan!!!

that song iss

*cue smirky face*

i THINK we ALL know what its about ;))

April 17, 2021

- esther

Shawn Mendes imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now