49- Phone Mix-Up

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Shawn's POV

I was having an argument with my manager over the release date of my next single when I suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I asked her.

"I'm fine," She smiled and God, she had the prettiest smile.

"Are you sure?" I asked again and she nodded.

"Good," I sighed in relief and bent down to pick up my phone which had fallen down. "Sorry for bumping into you, have a good day,"

"You too," She said, smiling again.

I didn't notice it till she was gone because we had matching black phone cases. The phone in my hand wasn't mine.

"Shit!" I cursed as soon as I realized. All my important documents were on that phone. I knew I should have backed it up.

I turned on the phone and surprisingly, it didn't have a lock. Her lockscreen was a picture of her smiling, I don't think I've ever seen such a pretty smile before.

I quickly dialed my number and called but there was no response. Oh god, what was I supposed to do now?

I sat down on my couch which a groan and thought about what to do. My spare phone broke last month and I still haven't gotten it fixed. I should have listened to Brian when he told me to because now I was stuck in this situation.

I decided to call my phone once more and luckily she picked up this time.


"Hi, um this is Shawn, the owner of the phone. I think we accidentally switched phones," I said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I wanted to call but I don't have to password," She said.

"It's 080898, my birthday," I told her.

"Okay, thank you," She replied, "Also when can we meet in order to switch phones?"

"How about tomorrow since it's getting pretty late right now?"

"Sure, I'll see you tomorrow!"

And with that, we both hung up.

I don't know why I was worrying she seems like an honest person who wouldn't try to steal my phone. And not to mention how pretty she is.

The next day, after setting a fixed time that we weould both be free I set out to the park where she had asked us to meet. I couldn't wait to finally have my phone back. Spending one night away from it was enough to give me withdrawal symptoms.

"Hi, it's nice to see you again," I said as soon as I saw her.

"Hey, I'm really sorry for the mix up," She said.

"It's okay. It happens," I said, taking a seat next to her, "I never got your name."

"I'm Y/N," She said, smiling.

"I'm Shawn but I think I already said that. Anyways, here's your phone," I said, handing it to her and she gave me mine.

Sweet baby, I'll never leave you again.

"Thank you," I said, "Also would you like to go out for coffee with me?"

I might as well shoot my shot.

"Sure!" She smiled and I sighed in relief. And as we sat there, talking to each other about the most random things, I couldn't help but think that maybe fate brought us together.

🐤 🎀 ♡ 🎀 🐤

i think we ALL know that this sucks lol

i think i was rushing when i wrote this

cuz i wanted to finish something for the day

n e wayss i really hope it doesn't suck that muchh

im off to go write the last chapter

n e wayss

recommended song iss

havana by miss cabello

April 17, 2021

- esther

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