50- One More Family Member

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She stared at the pregnancy test in shock. She never assumed that this could be the reason for her feeling nauseous the past few weeks but when Y/BFF/N asked her to take a test she figured she'd just take it. But now, looking at it she wasn't sure what to do. Hell, she didn't even know how to break it to Shawn.

She wasn't sure if he was ready for this. She wasn't even sure if she was. He was very busy with his rockstar life and she didn't want this to hinder him. He was living his dream and she didn't want to stop him.

She was so lost in thought that she didn't realize that he was arrived home until he called out for her.

"Y/N, I'm home!" He yelled.

"One sec, I'm in the bathroom," She yelled in reply.

She quickly hid the test under the sink and went out to greet him, plastering a smile on her face.

"Hi, how was your day?" She asked, giving him a quick kiss.

"It was great! We figured out the date for the album release. So how was your day?"

"It was good," She smiled. She wasn't sure weather to tell him or not so she decided to keep quiet for now.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked.

"No thanks, I'm really tired so I'll just go to bed," She smiled softly.

"Oh, ok, Have a good nap," He said, kissing her forehead.

As he watched her retreating figure he frowned. Something was definitely wrong.

The next week went by in a blur but Shawn was worried about Y/N. She was always talking about how she was tired and having headaches. He knew something was wrong.

She knew she would haev to say something soon, he was getting very suspicious and she was always getting these headaches.

"Baby, are you sure you're okay?" He asked for the millionth time this week.

"Um actually can you get me some Advil? It's in the cupborad under the sink," She asked.


"Oh my god, Wait no!" She suddenly remembered that she had kept the pregnancy test there. It was too late.

"What's this?" He asked, holding up the ziplock bag that contained the test.

"What does it look like?" She asked, twisting her fingers, nervously. 

"And it's yours?" He asked, not taking his eyes off her while she nodded.

"Please don't be mad but I really want to keep it."

"Why would I be mad? Of course we're keeping it!" He grinned.

"Really?" She asked.

"Well duh. What made you think I didn't want it?" He asked, confused.

"I thought that you might not want a baby right now..." She trailed off.

"I agree it's not an ideal time but that doesn't mean I don't want it. No matter what, I'll always be here, ok?" He asked and she nodded, smiling.

Then, he scooped her up in a hug, kissing all over her face as she giggled. And then, he bent lower to her tunny and pressed  asoft kiss on this through her shirt.

"I promise I'll be the best dad I can be," He said.

"And I promise to be the best mom I can," She echoed.

🐤 🎀 ♡ 🎀 🐤

this is a cliché plot isn't it?

i did one like it before lmaoo

also i feel like there's too much dialogue in this oops

sooo this is the end :((

u can catch me in my other books like my why don't we imagines book andd my daniel seavey book called prank texts

hope to see ya soon

i love u all and thx for readingg

recommended songg isss

happily by one direction :)

April 17, 2021

- esther

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