41- Sick

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You woke up with a groan, your head was pounding and you felt like screaming and going back to bed. Sitting up slowly, you looked around until your eyes found Shawn sitting on a chair and writing quickly in his little notebook. This usually meant he had a song idea and you didn't want to disrupt him.

"Morning," You said, hoarsely, cringing when your voice sounded like you had been scremaing the whole night.

He looked up quickly, as if surprise at you were up or maybe it was because of your voice. You weren't you sure but you didn't really care.

"Good morning, baby, you ok?" he asked, worridely.

"Yeah, just a little headache," You said, getting up. "Gotta get ready for class."

"Hold on a sec," He said, standing up and walking over to you. He placed the back of his palm unto your forehead and then frowned. "Your forehead is warm, really warm."

"I'm fine, I'll take care of it after my class," You told him.

"No, stay home," He said, sternly. "Tell Y/BFF/N to give you notes for today,"

You blew out a breath, annoyed. "But-"

"No buts, get you butt in bed, right now."

"Fine," You muttered, plopping back unto the bed. You quietly let out a sigh of relief but you wouldn't let him know that.

"You're gonna stay in bed until you're better, okay?" He asked but you knew it wasn't a question.

Letting out a puff of breath along with an eyeroll, you agreed. You couldn't lie, you felt really relaxed despite being sick. School had been piling up on you and you felt really happy you could take the day off to rest.

"I'll make you some soup, mmk?" He pressed a kiss on your forehead.

You sighed with a smile, getting comfy in your bed.

A few minutes later, he gently shook you and you groaned not realizing that you had fellen asleep. Turns out you were more tired than you thought.

"Here, I made some soup," He said, smiling warmly.

"Thanks," You whispered as you started drinking it, little by little.

When you were done you placed the bowl on the table next to your bed and snuggled into the covers. Then, you felt a dip in the bed and smilied because it meant that Shawn had decided to join you in bed.

"C'mere," He said putting his arms around you and pulling you closer to his chest.

You inhaled his addicting scent, thanking him softly for caring for you.

"Just don't get me sick, or else," He said, with a slight chuckle.

"Can't make any promises," You said, grinning into his chest.

You felt his chest shake with laughter as he told you to go to sleep. And with a few soft brushes of your hear and some kisses you were out liek a lamp.

The next morning you woke up feeling refreshed but the same couldn't be said about the man next to you.

Shawn woke up with a groan, "Baby, I'm not feeling so good,"

Uh oh.

🐤 🎀 ♡ 🎀 🐤

was the end funny? lol

why do i keep feeling like every imagine i make is short??

n e wayss

recommened song iss

song for no one by shawn mendes!!!

i literally love this song idk what to do with myself lol

March 15, 2021

- esther

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