23- Pregnant /3/

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"Alright, here we are," Shawn said, getting out to open your door.

"Thank you." You said getting out and walking alongside him towards his parent's house.

He rang the doorbell and Aaliyah opened the door. They were probably already expecting us already.

"Hi Y/N!" Aaliyah said, giving you a hug.

"Hi, Liyah." You said hugging her back.

"You're not gonna say hi to me?" Shawn asked.

"Nope. I see you enough but I don't see her enough." She smiled.

Shawn rolled his eyes before pulling her into a hug.

"Nice to see you too, kiddo." He said.

"Yeah... I guess I kinda missed you too." She finally admitted.

"Aaliyah, don't hog them. It's been so long since we saw them save a piece of them for us." Karen said coming from the kitchen.

You laughed.

"It's so nice to see you, honey." She said, pulling you into a hug.

"Hi Karen, it's nice to see you too." You said smiling.

"I got food," Manny announced walking in with a tray.

You smiled. You don't know why but they always felt more like family to you than your real family.

"Thank you." You said giving him a hug.

"So what was it you wanted to tell us?" Karen asked.

"Um, I'm pregnant..."

"Really? That's amazing!" Karen said, reaching over to give you a hug.

"R- really?" You asked, shocked. "You guys are not mad?"

"Why won't we be? This is amazing news." She said confused.

"Her parents weren't ok with her being pregnant," Shawn said sadly.

"Oh, honey I'm so sorry." Karen hugged you even tighter.

You felt like crying. How could someone be so kind-hearted?

"Thank you, Karen. You're amazing." You said.

She smiled. "No problem, honey."

"Yes! I'm gonna be an aunt." Aaliyah said dancing around the room.

You laughed at her reaction.

"Our first grandchild," Manny said with a smile.

Shawn kissed the side of your forehead. "See, I told you everything was going to be ok."

"Yeah, you did and you were right."

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

~ A Month Later ~

"Shawn!" You yelled from the bedroom.

You heard him running up the stairs.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Can you go to buy some pickles for me?" You asked.

"Of course. Anything else?" He asked.

"And peanut butter and marshmallows." You said. "Oh and cookies and cream Hershey."

"Alright, I'll be back soon." He said giving you a quick peck before running out of the house and into his car.

You smiled to yourself because you felt so lucky to have him.



"Hm?" You responded, running your fingers through his curls.

"When do you want to tell my fans about our baby?" He asked.

You sighed. "I don't know. I'm honestly scared of their reaction. I feel like they'll hate me or they won't support us."

"I know, I'm also scared but we need to tell them. They have been with us from the beginning and I know there's always someone who will support us." He said.

"Yeah, you're right. Let's do this, when are we doing it?" You asked.

"Anytime that's good for you." He said.

"Well, how about now?" You said.



"Hi, guys, how are you all doing?" Shawn greeted blowing kisses.

"We made this live because we have to tell you guys something very important." Shawn continued.

"No, we're not getting married." You said chuckling while reading a comment.

"So, this might come as a surprise but we're having a baby." Shawn smiled. "We're three months pregnant."

You were nervous, You didn't know what their reaction was going to be.

Soon a smile appeared on your face as you read the comments. Most of the comments were so supportive it made you feel so emotional.

"Thank you guys so much for the support. I was honestly really scared of what you guys were going to think." You said, wiping some stray tears.

"You guys are amazing. We love you all." Shawn said smiling.

"No, we don't know if it's a boy or girl yet." He answered a comment.

"We actually haven't talked about that yet." He said.

"Talked about what?"

"If we want the gender to be a surprise or not."

"I want to know the gender so I can know what to get and plus I want a gender reveal party." You said.

"Have you thought about this before?" He asked.

"Maybe a few two or three times." You said.

"Sounds like more than that." He said.

"Ok, I always think about it." You confessed.

"Ha! I knew it." He grinned and booped your nose.

You laughed, pecking his lips and quickly pulling away.


"So, any questions guys?" Shawn asked reading the comments.

"I love when they get caught up in their own world, it's so cute." Shawn read. "Aww, thank you."

He rested his chin on your head and you leaned into him.

This wasn't so bad.


when you realize that you keep ending stuff with tHiS wAsNt sO bAd its an addiction lmao 

daniel seavey or luke hemmings?

idk so don't ask me either

song of the chapter isss

jet black heart by 5sos


if u wanna listen to my AMAZING 5SOS PLAYLIST my spotify is purrpleamethyst :) the name is 5sos i have other playlists too bye

also shawn is 22 imma cryy omgg

and ty for 300 reads like bro how tyyyyysmm <333


July 19, 2020

p.s. if you're wondering the date I put is when I write the story so rn its august 10 hehe :)

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