Chapter Seven

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"I understand your sympathy for Windclan, but we must focus on the needs of our own clan first." Acornspeck replied, the other medicine cats nodded with agreement.

Dreampool looked around, clearly uneasy.

"Yes, that is true Acornspeck. But our duty as medicine cats is to think about all..we can even help out eachother when needed." Dreampool meowed shyly, staring at her paws.

"If Harestar will even allow it, we ran out of catmint around a quarter moon ago, but he wont let us ask for it, even from the other medicine cats!" Avianpaw complained, kneading the soft mossy ground with her forepaws.

"It seems your leader is too prideful to ask for help from other clans, but I'll be sure to leave some for you by the Shadowclan border...he need not be so foolish." Mothwhisper meowed, giving Avianpaw a reassuring look.

By the time Turtlepaw had finally gotten back to camp, her paws ached, and her belly grumbled with hunger.

"You may go get some fresh-kill, but come back soon to rest." Sorrelfinch meowed, walking with Acornspeck to the medicine den.

Turtlepaw picked a squirrel out from the fresh-kill pile, gobbling it down swiftly. She looked around the camp, even in green-leaf, the nights were cooler than the warm sunlight of the day. She shivered slightly, glancing towards the medicine cat den. She laid down in her nest by the entrance, trying to fall asleep. Her thoughts rushed wildly, and she couldnt seem to stop thinking about what the apprentice had said. Is he really in danger? Should I do something?

Turtlepaw started the next day by going out for herbs with Sorrelfinch. Turtlepaw stuck her head into the juniper bush, as she tried grabbing some berries, she was pricked by the sharp leaves. She jerked her head back, rubbing her muzzle.

"Don't stick your head directly into the bush, push the branches apart and then grab the berries." Sorrelfinch demonstrated, pausing to let Turtlepaw have a go.

Turtlepaw stuck out her paw and push a branch aside. She plucked a few berries from the bush with her other paw and place them into a dock leaf to carry. After collecting the herbs they needed, Sorrelfinch led Turtlepaw back to the camp. Even while having herb gathering to distract her, she still couldn't keep her mind off of what Apricotpaw had said. If he was really lying, he wouldn't have sounded so fearful and genuine...

Turtlepaw rolled around in her nest, trying to get comfortable. She eventually fell into a restless sleep. She awoke in a starry field, she didn't recognize this place. Could this be Starclans hunting grounds? As if to answer her, a starlit cat skipped over to her, the cats fur was tabby, but covered in starlight.

"Who are you?" She asked the she-cat.

The cat only looked at her with warm eyes, flicking her tail to follow. Turtlepaw ran after the starry cat, wondering where she would take her.

They ran into a patch of woods, the forest was bathed in the silverly moonlight making it so Turtlepaw could see everything that was in front of her. She bounded after the Starclan cat, feeling the foliage whisp past her. They entered a starlit clearing in the woods, the cat turned around to face her.

"Can you tell me about the dreams I've been having? Or about Apricots troubles-" The Starclan cat brushed her tail gently over Turtlepaws muzzle to silence her.

"Calm down, young one. Starclan has not come to you to answer all your questions, you must find out the answers yourself." The Starclan cat finally spoke.

"But-" Turtlepaw went to speak, but the Starclan cat hushed her.

"My name is Starcloud. Do you know who I am?"

Warriors Cats: A New Horizon; Ominous Skies [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now