Chapter Sixteen

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Cinnamonpaw rolled her eyes, resent prickling throughout her entire body. To prepare for the battle, she needed to train twice as much with her mentor, Pebbleheart. I understand the need for extra training, but did she really have to bring HIM? Cinnamonpaw thought irritably, glancing at Aspenheart who was calmly watching from afar. 

"You'll need to be taught the leap-and-hold move...for your small size, you'll be facing large opponents." 

I know I'm small, but it's not like you're offending me or anything by saying it. 

Pebbleheart continued, "I'll teach you how to do it, and then how to avoid larger opponents counter attacks, drop-and-roll." 

Cinnamonpaw nodded, determination gleaming in her pale yellow eyes. Pebbleheart demonstrated on how to do the leap-and-hold move on Aspenheart. Oh, so thats why he's here, to be a training dummy, I like that decision. Pebbleheart put her paws on his back, using her paw legs for balance. She then faked bit and swatted at him, stepping off to explain more. 

"Once you're on his back, he may try to roll over and squish you, to avoid that, you're going to need to pay close attention and jump off quickly." 

Pebbleheart crouched, ready for Cinnamonpaws leap-and-hold attack, Cinnamonpaw ran at her mentor, leaping onto her back with sheathed claws. She pretend bit and swatted at her, trying to hold on without hurting her. This would be much easier if Aspenheart was the dummy! Cinnamonpaw slid back and forth as Pebbleheart attempted to shake the ginger she-cat off. 

"I'm going to do the drop-and-roll technique now! Be sure to leap off!" Pebbleheart explained, leaning over to crush Cinnamonpaw.

  Now! She thought, leaping off of the blue-gray and white warriors back. She landed on all four paws, flicking her tail excitedly. I can't wait to test these moves in a real battle! But am I really prepared to actually injure many other cats?  She couldn't answer that question just yet. I've only been in one battle so far, and I didn't really enjoy it, I suppose you are't supposed to anyways...its just something you have to do. 

By the end of the training session, Cinnamonpaws brain hurt with all the information she had learned. From tail yanks, to front paw blows, she was ready for battle. And a good sleep. She thought tiredly, her thick ginger tail dragging along in the tall grass. She looked over at Aspenheart and Pebbleheart, who seemed to be entranced by each other, she wanted to throw up. She ran ahead, ignoring her tiredness. I understand that he makes Pebbleheart happy, but he gives me a bad feeling...She ran into camp, seeing that most of the camp was preparing for battle, the elders and queen were preparing incase of an evacuation. Most of the apprentices seemed to be out training just like Cinnamonpaw had earlier. She spotted Emberpaw alone, feasting on a plump vole. She ran over to him excitedly, and he seemed to perk up cheerfully when he saw her.

After sharing the vole with Emberpaw, they talked, sharing all about what they had done throughout the day. 

"Badgerstripe made me train the whole day! I'm super afraid that I won't be able to actually hurt another cat!" He mewed worriedly, his tail twitching slightly. 

"Me too! But I'm sure when we're in the heat of the battle, all your worries about that will melt away, trust me!" Cinnamonpaw reassured him, he gave her a grateful look.

 "Anyways, you won't believe what I had to go through, my mentor just makes goo-goo eyes at Aspenheart the entire time!" 

She meowed dramatically, staring at the two warriors, who were busy sharing a meal across the clearing. Emberpaw let out a small laugh.

"I suppose thats pretty unbearable." He meowed, clearly amused. 

The wind rustled the leaves, as the sky began to gray with thick clouds rolling overhead. Cinnamonpaw and Emberpaw stopped talking as they quickly ran into the apprentices den. Peppermintpaw and Amberpaw were already there, while Morningpaw, Ryepaw, and Cliffpaw joined them soon afterwards. They sat patiently, as the storm began to grow stronger, thick, dry wind blowing into the den. It rustled Cinnamonpaws fur, and she shivered from the cold air suddenly whipping over her pelt. 

"We might as well go to sleep now..." Ryepaw mewed from one of the corners of the den, already laying in her nest. 

The other apprentices seemed to silently agree as they quickly headed to their respective nests. Cinnamonpaw tried to ignore the loud cracking of lightning, and roaring of thunder outside the den. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to drown of the noise of the storm. She quickly drifted into sleep without even realizing it. 

She awoke next to Turtlepaw, who seemed just as bewildered. Unfortunately, they couldn't seem to escape the horrors of the storm in their dreams, as a thick black cloud rolled towards them. When Cinnamonpaw looked back to Turtlepaw, she was already gone, bolting in the opposite direction as fast as she could. 

"Run! Or are you mouse-brained, Cinnamonpaw?" She screamed. 

Rude! This is just a dream, so who's really the mouse-brain?! Even though she knew it was a dream, it seemed real enough, and Cinnamonpaw couldn't help but running after Turtlepaw in fear. She followed after Turtlepaw quickly, seeing her light-brown speckled pelt disappearing into nearby foliage.

Even if she couldn't see the medicine cat apprentice, she could smell her strong fear-scent. Suddenly, the scent trail veered sharply towards the left, Cinnamonpaw turned quickly. Her stomach lurched when the trail led to a sudden drop. Cinnamonpaw skirted to a stop, carefully peaking over the ledge. Dear Starclan, did she fall?! She could hear a cry from down below, seeing Turtlepaw balancing carefully on a small ledge a few fox lengths below the edge. 

"I'll help you, just stay there!" 

Cinnamonpaw called down reassuringly, quickly forgetting this was a dream. Cinnamonpaw looked around frantically, spotting a large branch leaning down towards the ledge. If I could somehow pull it closer towards Turtlepaw...A sharp noise interrupted her thoughts, as a large crack of lightening struck a nearby tree, enveloping it in fire. Her eyes narrowed to slits, as she had to think quickly. She leaped towards the tree branch, her stomach lurched as it started to slide off the cliff, as she dug her claws into the bark. Starclan help me!

Warriors Cats: A New Horizon; Ominous Skies [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now