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A starlit she-cat edged towards a stream, she bent down, staring into its rippling movement. A small green-eyed kit stared back. The cat smiled, her blue eyes gleaming with motherly love.

"What are you doing over there, Starcloud?" A small black she-cat meowed, padding over to look.

"I'm choosing Thunderclans next medicine cat to deliver our prophecy." She flicked her tail towards the stream, revealing the mewling kit.

"Oh, really?" The black she-cat mewed. Starcloud nodded, flicking her tail in annoyance. Why so uncertain? She sat by the bank of the stream.

"Turtlekit is her name, I believe she is destined to do great things for Thunderclan." Starcloud meowed with certainty.

"Is that because she is your kin?" The she-cat teased.

"No." Starcloud meowed crossly, still staring down at the kits reflection.

"Hm, if you are sure..." The she-cat meowed, padding off. Starcloud stood, walking after the she-cat, she was certain that Turtlekit would be a great medicine cat to deliver part of the prophecy.

Starcloud entered a clearing where her father sat, along with a few of the other leaders. Mintstar; one of Thunderclans former leaders was sitting next to some shrubbery, licking his paw. Close by, Dovestar and Snowstar; formerly of Shadowclan murmured between themselves.

"Fernstar." She meowed to the brown tom. He looked up, padding over to her. Swampstar, who was sitting next to Fernstar; quickly sat up. "Where are you two going?" The Sepia tom ventured.
"This is Thunderclans business, not Riverclans." Starcloud meowed sharply
"Okay Okay, fine." He complied, but his blue eyes still gleamed with curiousity.

Starcloud led Fernstar away from the clearing, until the buzz of the leaders talking amongst themselves eventually faded and they found themselves at the stream again.
"Yes?" He inquired.

"I believe you should be the one to give one of the kits a prophecy." Starcloud explained,

Starcloud flicked her tail at the stream.

"Some cat of Thunderclan will follow a great destiny, as they would be given a prophecy from us."  nodded, glancing down at the stream,

"Cinnamonkit, she looks brave and determined." He mewed thoughtfully.

"I suppose...she could do." Starcloud mewed, Fernstar silently agreed.

Cinnamonkit and Turtlekit would be the next cats who would deliver Starclans prophecy. They together, would save the clans from a great disaster that could destroy the entire forest.

"I see dark times ahead." Starcloud meowed forebodingly,

"But the she-cats will deliver our prophecy-" Starcloud continued.

"-and save the clans..?"  Ferncloud finished.

Starcloud nodded, staring down at the stream. The forest around them was full of stars, and everything seemed to be perfect. But she knew this peace would not last long. Flickers of flame licked at her mind, and dark clouds clouded her thoughts.

"I shall speak to Turtlekit, you must find some cat to speak to Cinnamonkit." Starcloud meowed to her father, he nodded in agreement, leaving Starcloud alone to stare at the silverly stream in front of her.

Warriors Cats: A New Horizon; Ominous Skies [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now