Chapter Twenty Four

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Turtlepaw excitedly followed Sorrelfinch out of the camp, the wet ferns and foliage brushed against her pelt, making her shiver even more. Her green eyes flicked around the moonlit forest, I'm glad that Midnightforest is finally gone, Apricotpaw can finally be safe...thats one less thing to worry about. The thought of Acornspeck's death sat in the back of her mind like a thorn stuck in her paw. She looked up at Sorrelfinch, who seemed more focused on something else, wondering if Acornspeck ever did visit her. As they neared the more rocky terrain, Turtlepaw felt slightly uneased. What was Sorrelfinch so focused on? Was it Acornspeck? Turtlepaw scrambled up one of the rock ledges, using her back legs to heave herself up onto the slick stone.

They entered the cavern that held the sacred Moonpool, Turtlepaw always got chills when she padded in here. Sorrelfinch led her around the edge of the pool, before sitting down next to it. Sorrelfinch seemed more aware now, she nodded to Turtlepaw before beginning. 

"I, Sorrelfinch, medicine cat of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help she will serve her Clan for many moons. Turtlepaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?" Sorrelfinch meowed, looking pridefully at her apprentice.

Turtlepaw's heart fluttered excitedly. 

"I do." She replied, looking at the Moonpool, which now seemed brighter than usual. 

"Then by the powers of I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Turtlepaw, from this moment you will be known as Turtlepuddle. StarClan honors your compassion and thoughtfulness, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of Thunderclan." Sorrelfinch meowed, her whiskers twitching happily. 

As Sorrelfinch led Turtlepuddle out of the cavern, she wondered what her name meant. Turtlepuddle? I don't really like it...but I suppose its the name Sorrelfinch chose for me. She followed Sorrelfinch back to camp, the moonlight filtered through the trees, casting silverly patches of light down on them. As they entered the camp, it seemed more peaceful than usual. Cinnamontuft ran over towards Turtlepuddle, nuzzling her fiercely, Turtlepuddle purred, drawing her tongue over her friends ear. 

"Congratulations on earning your full name! What is it anyways?" Cinnamontuft mewed.

"Oh, thanks...its Turtle...puddle." Turtlepuddle responded. 

"Thats great! Why so disappointed?" 

"I don't know...just kinda weird, but I should go now." Turtlepuddle mewed briskly, heading towards the medicine cat den. 

"See you tomorrow!" Cinnamontuft called after her.

Turtlepuddle sat down in her nest, before Sorrelfinch corrected her. 

"You sleep here now, next to me. Remember?" 

"Oh, right." Turtlepuddle meowed, purring slightly as she laid down next to her mentor.

Turtlepuddle finally felt complete, it felt like just a few sunrises ago she was a young medicine cat apprentice, sorting herbs while Sorrelfinch and Acornspeck gathered herbs. Acornspeck, I still miss him...her pelt stung with grief momentarily. But now she had survived a war, saved Apricotpaw, and even earned her full medicine cat name. Everything is great now, I am truly grateful...Turtlepuddle thought happily, closing her eyes as she drifted off to a peaceful sleep. Hoping that she would do many great things to help her clan. 

She awoke next to a starlit stream, its silverly water shone like a star in silverpelt. She dipped her light-brown paw into the water, it felt cold, but when she drew her paw back, it didn't seem to be wet. That's strange...she thought, glancing around. Suddenly, a brown tom with white speckles appeared on the other side of the stream, his yellow eyes warm with emotion. His pelt was covered with mist, and tiny stars sprinkled around him. She quickly recognized him to be Acornspeck. 

"Acornspeck! What are you doing here?" Turtlepuddle meowed excitedly, running through the silver water to reach him. 

Suddenly she was dunked under, as the stream was way deeper than she anticipated. She resurfaced, seeing that Acornspeck was running along the side of it, worry in his yellow eyes. She splashed hard, struggling to reach the side of the stream, which now seemed to be a raging river. The current got stronger, shoving her along quickly, she choked slightly on the silver water. She could see a waterfall quickly approaching, she kicked harder. Acornspeck tried to reach out to her, but he couldn't seem to reach her. He skidded to a halt, as Turtlepaw slipped over the edge of the cliff, the starlit water disappearing as she plummeted into darkness. What could it mean? I thought I could finally be happy for once?

Warriors Cats: A New Horizon; Ominous Skies [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now