Chapter Nine

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Turtlepaws eyes widened,

"Starcloud? You were once a Thunderclan medicine cat, right?" Starcloud nodded, gazing down at Turtlepaw, her blue eyes glowed with compassion.

"You are the daughter of Rabbitfur and Sparkspeck, are you not?" Turtlepaw nodded,

"Sparkspecks mother was my sister, Snowbird." Starcloud went on

"Can you tell me about her?"

"We could talk about kin all day, but this isn't why I brought you here." Starcloud meowed,

"Come this way, there is a pool." Turtlepaw followed her until they reached a starry pool.

"It looks like the Moonpool...if it is, why cant I just go there in the waking world?"

Starcloud didn't reply, she seemed focused on the starlit pool. Turtlepaw glanced down, instead of seeing her reflection staring back at her, she only saw fire and darkness. Her heart beat faster, when she went to look back at Starcloud, the former medicine cat was gone. She looked around frantically, her fur bristling. She was alone. She could hear loud yowling and hissing coming from the pool, and eventually all she could see was nothingness.

Turtlepaw jerked awake, looking around with panic in her green eyes. She sat up, swiftly grooming the moss that still clung to her pelt. Her fur was bristling into spiky fluff, she couldnt understand what her dream meant, and why Starcloud had disapeared so suddenly. Well that didn't help, now I just have even MORE questions! Her mind screamed. She glared at her paws, Starclan isn't even helping me, they're just scaring me with vague dreams and visions!

"Turtlepaw, are you okay?" It was Acornspeck, her cheeks blushed hotly from embarrassment. Had he seen my silent tantrum?

"Yes! Im fine!" She snapped.

Acornspeck look taken aback, but he only nodded. After he had padded away, Turtlepaw felt a twinge of guilt ripple through her pelt. Was I too harsh? I'm only just confused and upset, after all...

Turtlepaw sat by herself, quickly rearranging the herbs that had gotten messed up after Poppykit and Scorchkit had snuck into the medicine cat den. She heard rustling behind her, she turned around to see Morningpaw, who was digging at the ground with one paw.

"Do you need anything?" She meowed curtly, he glanced up, a surprised look on his face.

  Did he not expect me to care that he was here?

"Yes, I-" He paused, showing her his paw.

There was a thorn embedded in his paw-pad.

"Oh! Let me help you with that! You should've told me sooner." She scolded, running to get marigold paste.

She quickly licked his paw, softening the area, then pulled the thorn out using her teeth. She applied the marigold paste evenly across his paw, her tail twitched unnervingly at the thought of her dream.

Morningpaw placed his paw down a few times one the ground, as if to check if it still worked.

"Thank you." He meowed, padding out of the den.

Turtlepaw sighed. Today is so exhausting! She thought impatiently. But I suppose it's better than doing nothing, she reminded herself. She walked through the brambles of the den, spotting Cinnamonpaw across the camp, she was too busy talking with her sister to notice Turtlepaw. Cloverear, Turtlepaws own sister bounded over to her. She shouldered Turtlepaw affectionately.

"So, what's it like being a medicine cat apprentice? Is it everything you dreamed of?" She teased.

Turtlepaw glared hotly at the pure white she cat.

"Actually, it is. Probably more interesting than whatever dance moves you're learning." She retorted.

Cloverear let out a purr of amusement.

"You sure are feistier than you look, maybe you should be a warrior apprentice!"

"No way! I'm fine being a medicine cat apprentice, you can't change my mind." Turtlepaw growled.

"Are you sureee? You won't be able to have a mate y'know." Cloverear teased.

"I don't need a-" Turtlepaw stared at Cinnamonpaw, her heart fluttered.

"I don't need a mate! And I never will!" Turtlepaw forced herself to look away from the dark ginger she-cat.

Cloverear stared at her, her green eyes gleaming with suspicion. She suddenly gasped.
"Oooo, does someone have a chrushhh?" She purred teasingly.

"WHAT? NO WAY-" Turtlepaw bristled, swatting at her sister with a sheathed paw.
Cloverear dodged easily, bounding away laughing.

What felt like moons later, after she had returned to the medicine den, she heard the brambles by the entrance shaking.
"Turtlepaw, we have returned." Finally. She thought to herself, sitting up to look at them.

"We didn't have much luck this time around." Sorrelfinch explained,

"Which is strange for green-leaf, but I'm sure we'll have better luck next time." Acornspeck added, his tail twitching uncomfortably. I hope he's right.

As Turtlepaw laid in her nest, she didn't bother falling asleep, as she knew she would only have nightmares. Starclan really isn't helping by being so vague! She thought angrily, staring into the hollow of camp. I feel so alone, always stuck in the medicine cat den on one paw, and then I have Starclan giving me vague nightmares with no explanation on the other. Sometimes I wonder why I chose this role... maybe Cloverears right. She thought gloomily.

"But I know this is the path I must take, it's just difficult at times..." She murmured quietly.

"Those are wise words from just an apprentice." A voice cackled in her ear.

"Who was that?" She whispered, she didn't recognize the voice, or see anyone either.

Weird. I wonder who could've said that?

Warriors Cats: A New Horizon; Ominous Skies [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now