Chapter Nineteen

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"Don't go, you'll DIE out there!" Sorrelfinch pleaded, but Acornspeck only stared down at her mentor with warm eyes. 

"I know that, but I must do this. I can't let innocent cats die..." He brushed his tail over Sorrelfinch's shoulder, before turning away to help all the other Windclan warriors who were going back to Windclan camp. 

"He was my mentor, I knew he was always selfless, but..." Turtlepaw could see his brown pelt running along-side Heronwishs, straight into the raging fire of Windclan. Her heart clenched with grief, I pray to Starclan that he'll be alright...


Cinnamonpaw watched the group of cats race down towards the fire, and her paws ached to join them, but she knew she had to stay. I knew this storm was going to happen, I just wished I had warned everyone, I was foolish not to...Cinnamonpaw scolded herself, kneading the ground angrily. Cats are going to DIE because of me, I have to try and save a few! She ran towards her father, who was quickly pacing back and forth. 

"Redstar, I knew this was going to happen! The storm I mean, I have to go down there and help...I should've warned you about this!" She screamed at him through the pelting rain.

 "You received a sign from Starclan?" He asked in a shocked tone. Cinnamonpaw nodded, staring at him with determination. 

"You have to let me go! Turtlepaw knows too, I can take her as well." 

"Okay, just be careful!" He mewed back, giving her head a quick lick. She nodded, running over to get Turtlepaw.

"Come on! Since we knew about this, we should at least TRY to help!" She shouted at Turtlepaw, who was neatly sitting, her dappled light brown tail neatly wrapped around her paws.

 "But-" Cinnamonpaw didn't let her reply, she quickly began to run across the moor, towards the flaming camp. 

She could hear Turtlepaw behind her as she rushed into the camp, flames licking at her ginger fur. I remember this fire from my dream! She pelted into camp, rushing immediately towards the nursery. A blue she-cat was fearfully wrapped around her two black kits. 

"We've come to help!" Cinnamonpaw shouted over the roaring fire, the queen nodded, giving Cinnamonpaw one of the mewling kits. 

It was hard to carry as it squirmed a lot, the queen grabbed the other kit in her mouth, letting Turtlepaw keep a lookout for any crumbling objects from the fire. They exited the den, and Cinnamonpaw quickly guided the queen towards the entrance. Turtlepaw suddenly veered in a different directed, and Cinnamonpaw wondered where she was going, trying to get her attention. But she had already disappeared into the fire, Cinnamonpaw didnt have time to look for her, and she set the small black kit down on the grass. The queen cried out in mourning as she realized of the kits had stopped moving.

 "Sheepkit!" She yowled, nudging the small black scrap of fur, but Sheepkit was already dead. Cinnamonpaw stared at her paws with grief, wondering if Turtlepaw was alright. 


Turtlepaw ventured through the flames, everything was so bright, and she could barely breathe through all the smoke. But she knew why she was here, as she stepped over a burning branch, she saw who she was looking for. A brown and white speckled pelt lay in the ashes, fire surrounding him.

 "Acornspeck!" She yowled, tears running down her face. She ran over to him, nudging his pelt a few times. He blinked slightly, looking up at her, his yellow eyes filled with grief, but also happiness. 

"Don't forget to tell Sorrelfinch that I'll visit her from Starclan." He mewed hoarsely. 

"Stop acting like that, mouse-brain! I'm trying to save you!" 

Acornspeck shook his head, almost like he knew there was no chance he would be saved.

 "Go on, don't try risking your life to save me, I already know my time has come." He mewed, closing his eyes again. 

"But- I can't just LEAVE you here!" She pleaded desperately, Acornspeck shook his head once more. 

"I saved many lives today, I feel complete. I know I'm going to die. It's okay, I know things will be different, but you're going to have to push on without me. I know you'll make a great medicine cat one day, Turtlepaw." He mewed, taking his last breath.

 Turtlepaw cried out a low mourn in grief, giving his pelt a quick lick before bounding away to escape the flames. 


Cinnamonpaw waited patiently for her friend to return, anxiety prickling her pelt like a bush of thorns. The queen had already ran ahead, leaving the lifeless piece of black fur to sit in front of her. Finally, she saw Turtlepaw emerge from the flames, she looked heart-broken and Cinnamonpaw rushed over to comfort her. 

"Whats wrong?" She asked, Turtlepaw didn't even look at her.

 "I don't have time to explain, let's go back already." She meowed dryly, running ahead and leaving Cinnamonpaw behind. 

Cinnamonpaw retreated back towards Thunderclan camp with Turtlepaw, everything was over. The battle, the storm, even the fire seemed to be dying out. They had lost many lives that day. Dawnthorn, Acornspeck, Nightbreeze, Thrushwing, Brownfoot, and Tangledbranch. Most of them being elders that had died in battle, as they needed as many cats as possible to fight against Windclan. The whole clan sat vigil, mourning the cats who had died. 

Warriors Cats: A New Horizon; Ominous Skies [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now