Chapter Twenty Three

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Cinnamontuft sat in a line next the the other warriors as they waited for Redstar to lead them out of camp. She could see Aspenheart glaring at her from the warriors den, as he was told to stay behind. Suits him right, I can see why Redstar told him to stay here. She turned away, seeing Redstar climbing down from the high rock, she followed behind Cleareyes. They headed towards the island, everyone seemed to keep a close eye on Apricotpaw, ever since he first came to Thunderclan for refuge a few nights ago. They entered the clearing, Cinnamontuft shook bits of bramble that had clung to her. She sat down next to Peppermintpaw, seeing that Redstar was murmuring to Harestar, the Shadowclan leaders cream tail was twitching slightly. 

Maybe I'll finally be able to know how Windclan is doing...Cinnamonpaw remembered, her belly filling with excited butterflies. Harestar led Apricotpaw to the front of the gathered cats, as he began. 

"Redstar has informed me that Thunderclan has been keeping one of our" The Shadowclan cats exchanged glances before Harestar continued. 

"Apricotpaw is accusing Midnightforest of murdering two Shadowclan cats. She had been supposedly using her apprentice to cover up her schemes. Including sneaking onto Thunderclan terriotory to gather lavender and mint. Both of which are used to cover the scent of dead bodies." Midnightforest seemed shocked, her fur slightly bristling.

"Shadowclan has had two cats gone missing in the past two moons, and with all this does seem rather suspicious. Midnightforest, do you have anything to say?" Harestar glared down at the dark gray she-cat. 

"I have done nothing, I am unsure of where these mouse-brained accusations are coming from." She spat, glaring at her apprentice. 

Apricotpaw seemed to shrink back from her sharp green gaze, and Cinnmontuft felt a stab of pity for the tom. Harestar luckily didn't seem to believe her. 

"We mourned the loss of Dandelionseed and Dustwhisker for many moons, thinking they had been killed by a fox. I believe it was you, Midnightforest, who really did it. All this evidence makes sense, I can smell your fear-scent. Therefore you are now exiled from Shadowclan, don't bother coming back either." Harestar flicked his cream tail dismissively.

Midnightforest reared back, her fur bristling and claws unsheathed. The other cats sitting near her back up, and she hissed loudly. 

"This isn't over, Harestar! I will get my revenge one day, just you wait!" She spat, running to the edge of the clearing.

"And you-" She glared at Apricotpaw, who was shaking with fear. 

"You'll pay for this." She hissed, running off into the night.

 Midnightforest was gone, and Apricotpaw was safe. All the cats in the clearing seemed rather shaken from the nights events, Harestar called the meeting off early. I never got to find out how Windclan was doing! Cinnamontuft thought impatiently, glancing back at Turtlepaw. Turtlepaw was saying her goodbyes to Apricotpaw, the bittersweet goodbye ended shortly when Apricotpaw followed after Harestar back towards Shadowclan. Turtlepaw hurried up back next to Cinnamontuft, the two she-cats nodded to eachother, racing back towards Thunderclan. 

Redstar called a clan meeting when they got back to camp, Sorrelfinch was sitting up on the high rock next to Redstar. 

"I believe Turtlepaw is finally ready to become a full medicine cat, I will journey with her to the Moonpool tonight, there she will earn her full medicine cat name." Sorrelfinch meowed.

Redstar nodded, as he continued on about other clan matters, Cinnamontuft could see how excited Turtlepaw was. Sorrelfinch padded down to touch noses with Turtlepaw, before leading her out of camp. She really does deserve her full medicine cat name. Cinnamontuft thought, flicking her tail in excitement for the young cat. It was very selfless of her to help Apricotpaw in his times of need...which makes me think, where is Midnightforest now? 

Warriors Cats: A New Horizon; Ominous Skies [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now