chapter 5

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You finally stopped screaming and were in Fred's arms as he walked you to the hospital wing to rest, while snape took Snape to Dumbledore's office " hurt Freddie" you said as he sat you down "I know love, but your safe now I promise" he smiled " how do you always know Freddie?" You smiled back you slowly moved in and he did the same until you both locked lips he kept a hand on your knee and one on your cheek.

Fred's pov

We had locked lips and I thought "finally I'm kissing the girl of my dreams." I pulled away from her and she looked at me with a smile the nurse came out and saw us both. "What happened kids?" She asked "Dean Thomas use an unforgettable curse on Y/n here" "I'm going to assume the cruciatus curse?" I nodded and she said for her to rest and I could pick her up before dinner. "Bye love, I'll see you at dinner. If you want I can get the homework for you?" She nodded and hugged me tightly, I smiled and pulled her closer. "I'm sorry about Angelina, I'll deal with her later, right now your my job." She blushed and I lifted her head and kissed her she kissed me back. Her dad walked in "seems like your enjoying your alone time with my daughter Weasley?" We both jumped back and snape had a smirk.

She landed on the bed and I kept my balance "h..hello father" she said "Don't worry I'm not mad, he's better than Dean, so if you'd like I'll allow you to date him" her eyes widened and I smiled "thank you professor Snape" I said and left the room.

I attended my classes and got the homework from the professor's and went to pick her up, I saw Y/n adjusting her robe and I put my bag down and wrapped my arms around her waist, and rested my head on her shoulder. "Ready for dinner love," I said to her and she nodded.

Reader pov:
You felt familiar arms go around your waist and ahead on your shoulder "Ready for dinner, love?" I heard and I nodded to see Freddie you felt something against your waist and looked down and saw Fred's leg in between yours. You wanted to move on his leg but you restrained yourself from it.

His head went to my neck and you felt I pair of lips touch your neck and you bit your lip. "F...Freddie we have got to go to dinner" you let out and he nodded and placed a kiss on your lips he picked up the bag and took your hand in his other and pulled you to the great hall and he handed you the bag as you both branched off to your assigned house table.

"I heard what happened, are you ok?" Pansy said to me. You looked at Fred. " yeah I'm fine" Pansy saw a mark that Fred apparently left "are you and Fred dating!" She said and you looked at her along with Fred, Angelina, and Dean. The Gryffindor table was next to yours.

" well.." you looked at Fred for some help he nodded "I would say so~" he smiled to himself biting his lower lip. "Finally!" Pansy said making you smile.

After dinner
"You boyfriend stealer!" I turned around and as Angelina with her wand out. "I didn't steal anything from you. Fred just happened to like me and I liked him, not to mention he knows you cheated on him!" Everyone gathered around and you saw Fred and then heard "Sectumsempra!!" then everything went black at that moment you lost everything: Freddie, your dad, your life everything.  

you heard Fred yelling and crying all you wanted to do was hold him and hug, just be with him in general. "I love you Freddie" you breathed 

Till Death Do Us Part|| A Fred Weasley love story||Where stories live. Discover now